
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.

28 de noviembre de 2017

3 dead after explosion & fire destroy building in southern Tel Aviv (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

3 dead after explosion & fire destroy building in southern Tel Aviv (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
A powerful explosion rocked Jaffa, the southern part of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, causing a building to collapse and triggering a massive fire. Three people have died in the incident, police say.
City police confirmed the three deaths in a Twitter post on Tuesday, contradicting overnight reports of four casualties. Two of the victims died at the scene, with another pronounced dead in the hospital, according to local media.One person is said to be critically injured and another four suffered minor injuries.
The initial explosion, at about 11:10 pm local time (21:10 GMT), was heard as far away as central Tel Aviv.
It was not immediately clear if anyone remained trapped in the collapsed building, which reportedly used to house a construction supplies store.
Local media reported that screams could be heard under the debris of the building. The blast was so powerful that debris was scattered to nearby streets, with fire engulfing cars parked in the vicinity.
The cause of the blast and subsequent fire is still being determined. A preliminary investigation indicated that the source of the explosion might have been in a hardware store next to the building, Arutz Sheva reported, citing police.
I24news reported that the fire was likely sparked by flammable materials kept in the paint shop located in the building.

INDIGNANTE "Milord" por Iris Varela.

Hay personajes que practican el "yonofuiismo", como si la población venezolana fuera idiota, ¿Por qué se pretende subestimar al pueblo que conoce en profundidad lo que está pasando en el país, cuando lo evidente no requiere prueba?. El asunto de la podredumbre en PDVSA con detenidos incluidos, no es un hecho de hoy, ni de hace 3 meses, ni mucho menos de hace 4 años. A la señora Gladys Parada, a José Luis Parada y a Francisco Parada, altos ejecutivos de dicha industria, los denunciamos (año 2007) los diputados Luis Tascón y quien escribe, ante la señora Luisa Marvelia Ortega Diaz, quien era la titular de la acción penal y por consiguiente quien debía garantizar la investigación y la lucha contra la corrupción. No hubo respuestas, hubo silencio por parte de la entonces titular del Ministerio Público, quien seguramente era muy bien pagada en dólares por archivar esos expedientes, presunción cierta que me atrevo a ventilar cuando observo a "Doña Inepta" sufragarse costosos viajes en avión privado alrededor del mundo. Pero lo más repugnante de este caso, es que salga un ciudadano como Rafael Ramírez, a defenderse todos los días y en cuanto tenga oportunidad, poniendo a sus palangristas de poca monta pero muy bien pagados y que practican pseudo periodismo a ensalzarlo y a defenderlo de las acusaciones que precisamente a él nadie le ha hecho. Quien se excusa se acusa.
Nuestro amado Comandante Hugo Chávez rescató la industria petrolera, convirtió por primera vez en la historia el ingreso petrolero en bienestar para nuestro pueblo, lo que nunca antes había hecho gobierno alguno, Chávez lo hace. Convirtiendo cada dólar ingresado al país producto de la renta petrolera en una obra social sin parangón en nuestra historia y ciertamente puso al frente a alguien que se encargó de venderse como "rojo rojito" (con audio y video grabado adrede paro que diera la impresión que lo agarraron en un descuido). A ese alguien tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo muy bien destruyendo al Táchira y amparando corruptos, cuando fue enviado como Vicepresidente del PSUV.
Mi condición de diputada me facilitó la investigación del despelote con el contrabando de combustible y "Eureka", por todos lados aparecieron los famosos y poderosos PARADA, a quien Rafael Ramírez protegía (y sigue protegiendo) por lo cual arremetió contra esta ciudadana utilizando a sus fichas bien pagadas en el Táchira para enfilarlos hacia un ataque a mi persona.
Pero eso es Historia, de la cual lamentablemente no se ha registrado un capítulo final, porque cuando el Presidente Nicolás Maduro empezando su mandato, ordenó continuar las investigaciones y profundizar en el caso de la Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco, pidiéndole a Luisa Marvelia que se avocara, ésta se puso muy nerviosa. No obstante sentí una gran satisfacción, cuando empiezo a ver el resultado efectivo de la lucha contra la corrupción que ha emprendido nuestro camarada Presidente. A la intocable Gladys Parada y su combo les llegó la justicia y privados de libertad se encuentran enfrentando sus desmanes que tanto daño han causado a nuestro erario público. Pero eso es una nimiedad comparado con lo que ha venido destapando el nuevo Fiscal General de la República, Tarek William Saab.
Por ejemplo, observar que cinco de nuestros "altos ejecutivos" de CITGO tienen ciudadanía norteamericana para que los proteja a la hora de saquear nuestro país y que no haya habido un solo escrito o un pequeño mensaje aunque sea en 140 caracteres en Twitter de Rafael Ramírez (quien fuera su jefe) para condenar, explicar o excusarse al respecto; sino más bien para pretender huir hacia adelante cuando nadie lo persigue y para venderse como uno de los hijos preferidos de nuestro Comandante, ¡me produce nauseas!, te lo digo: "milord Rafael Ramírez, quien no te conozca que te compre". !Ah, te invoco el título aunque no te lo reconozca!
En una de las últimas reuniones tuyas con Chávez llevaste tabla pareja, por el mal manejo de la industria y las denuncias de corrupción, eso nunca lo contarás. Prefieres escribir babosadas o poner a tus secuaces de la pluma a que lo hagan. Yo te conozco. Deja de pretender engañar, la "generación boba" en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela está menguada y acompañando a la derecha fascista.
Una persona que haya estado al frente de una tarea más de una década no puede estar exenta de responsabilidad en los éxitos o fracasos de la misma. ¿Quién designó a esos ejecutivos, en tan altos cargos?, Sí, la responsabilidad penal es individual, pero en la Administración Pública hay responsabilidad solidaria, el descaro con que usted ha salido en su defensa me es indignante. Por eso no le pregunto ¿Quién los amparaba? porque lamentablemente usted mismo se ha encargado de delatarse, se le escapó esa liebre y ahora intenta recoger el agua derramada. Por el bien y la salud de la República, le exijo que colabore en las investigaciones. Usted es el que más puede aportar. Póngase a derecho y haga un servicio a la Patria. Nadie pone en duda que usted conoce a profundidad detalles, no invoque a Chávez, no intente confundir, no pretenda salpicar su grandeza porque eso NO SE LO PERMITO.
Los actos de corrupción que se están ventilando y en los que usted, señor embajador tiene responsabilidad, por el simple hecho de haber sido Ministro y jefe durante 12 años de esa industria, no es un "bachaqueo" que pueda pasar inadvertido. Es INDIGNANTE conocer lo que estaba pasando durante su gestión que usted mismo ha repetido fueron 12 años, y si no es así, entonces ¿quién mandaba allí milord? Creo que es mucho lo que usted puede aclarar, por favor, no se enrede más, que las investigaciones están en curso.
Twitter: @irisvarela
Email: irisvr9@gmail.com
“INDIGNANTE "Milord". Por Iris Varela https://t.co/xwvvDeNbae

Damascus Shelled, Civilians And Children Killed By U.S.-Backed Terrorists – Silence From MSM

While the United States continues to pant wildly and promote disproven claims of chemical weapons, Assad’s alleged “brutality,” and the SAA’s supposed “crimes against humanity,” the fighters it has funded since 2011 are engaged in the very definition of terrorism in Damascus as we speak. For nearly two weeks, terrorists surrounded in areas like Jobar and Ghouta have been launching missiles and mortars indiscriminately at civilians in old and new Damascus.
Since the beginning of November, random shelling and mortars have been terrorizing the people of Damascus. As travel blogger, photographer, and writer, Ilir Morina (who is currently in Syria) wrote on November 9,
Yesterday and today Damascus has been under heavy attack from terrorist mortars. One landed at a shop nearby, and the shop owner gave me this piece of the mortar. There have been many casualties. The sounds of war seem constant between the terrorist attacks against civilians and the Syrian Army attacks against the terrorists.
These are the sounds the people of Damascus have heard for over six years. Not just the sounds of course. Along with the sounds came the ripped bodies of loved ones and neighbors. The destroyed homes, schools, businesses. The frayed nerves of constant fear. The kind of terrorism that kills people from the inside. Yet they all keep going somehow, they don’t stop going to work or school. They just want this to end.
I’ve been listening to these sounds for seven weeks and I want them to end for them soon too inshallah…..
But they haven’t stopped. In fact, they have increased in frequency and intensity.
Over the past months, the shelling of Syria’s capital by Daesh militants has intensified, with the latest incident occurring on November 16 killing one person and injuring another 13.
DAMASCUS (Sputnik) — Militant grenade launcher in Eastern Ghouta fired several shells at the Al Mujtahid and Set Zaynab districts in Damascus leaving 22 civilians injured, a local police source told Sputnik on Saturday.
According to the source, the shelling has caused significant material damage.
Shellings have recently increased in Damascus, with the recent taking place the day before, with at least 4 civilians, including a child, being killed as a result of an attack by militants.
Over the course of the shelling, however, more civilians have been killed and many more injured. In a shelling that occurred on November 20 at the Judo Hall in the al-Fayha Stadium, two mortars fell and two people were killed. The martyrs were two players on the Syrian national judo team.
On November 20, 22 mortars fell on Damascus, killing 11 people and wounding 42 others.
Elsewhere, in Bab Touma, Damascus, mortars fell killing a number of civilians including Elia Halabi, a little boy whose crime was only being born in Syria and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was killed by the moderate terrorists supported by the United States. It was not an accident or a “stray” rocket. It did exactly what it was designed to do – i.e. kill a child, instill fear and terror in the hearts and minds of the people of the area, and attempt to break the will of the Syrian people.
Having walked the streets where Elia was killed only weeks before, I can say that, while the first and second objectives may have been accomplished to varying degrees, the third never will be.
It’s not to say that anyone deserves this but, having traveled to Syria myself and having met the people there, I can’t help but constantly think to myself that these people especially did not deserve what is happening to them today or what has happened to them over the course of the past six years. I can’t help but think of the contrast in our lives at this moment and how the people I met, sat at tea and dinner with, talked with, joked and drank with, are having mortars fall all around them, many of them losing someone close to them yet again. Six years of terrorism while American and Western journalists invent stories and propaganda they know to be untrue about Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian military, the wishes of the Syrian people, and the entirety of the conflict. These same self-important journalists who wax emotional and cry crocodile tears when recounting what they witnessed in Syria then go on to contribute to the death and slaughter of innocent people by virtue of promoting the same anti-Syrian propaganda which has convinced Westerners to at least remain passive enough for the war machine to continue to marching forward.
For them, the ability to cry on camera about their experiences and the emotional trauma theyunderwent (allegedly) is simply another opportunity to be the center of attention for audiences who are becoming more and more difficult to captivate with any story that requires empathy. Western journalist reports are merely little biopics, complete with self-analysis and personal history, with a lot of anti-Syrian propaganda for good measure. Lies plus feelings generally equal the desired outcome for the individuals manipulating both.
I feel certain I can speak for many others when I say if I hear one more NPR report where the intrepid journalists spends half the interview recounting how she felt when she looked into the eyes of a war-victim and imagined what they were thinking and feeling through her perverted and distorted Western perspective, I will have to contact an airline for an extra crate of barf bags.
Still, it cannot be ignored that no Western corporate media outlets are reporting on the shelling attacks on civilians. None. After years of bitching and whining about Assad killing terrorists, disproven claims of chemical weapons, and made up theories of concentration camps, Western MSM has remained entirely silent on the obvious and blatant attacks on innocent civilians in Damascus. What about the “beautiful babies” Trump loved so much that he would risk World War Three and launch missiles that would kill more innocent people? What about Elia Halabi? Is he not “beautiful” enough? He certainly would be if he had been killed by an errant Syrian air strike or an invented, staged chemical attack filmed and orchestrated by the White Helmets.
Of course, no one should be surprised by the lack of attention paid to the atrocities. The only surprise should be that the Western media and the U.S. government have not attempted to claim that the Syrian military is committing the shelling.
But while we are discussing personal experiences and “feelings” about the shelling in Damascus, I’ll admit it gets tiresome to hear these “reports” from CNN, NPR, and the other propaganda outlets while knowing what is actually happening on the ground.
Brandon Turbeville writes for Activist Post – article archive here – He is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The OutcomeTurbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.
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Financial Crisis – Imminent and Inevitable?

It’s never fun to warn people about an imminent crisis, especially at peak euphoria. Trump and his voters constantly boast about the economy and the stock market and, of course, Obama and his fans did the same during his tenure. This reflects a fundamental misunderstanding about the driving factors behind the deceptively good numbers since the last financial crisis. Let’s deconstruct the fake news about the fake economy.
Let’s start with the stock market. Does this chart of S&P 500 index like a bubble? That’s 250% growth in 8 years!
Since all the Central Banks around the world are linked, the Global Dow has also tripled in the same interval:
Not having learned the lesson from the housing bubble that crashed the global economy, the elites have created a sequel. Here’s the Case Schiller Index for various cities in the US. Do they seem frothy?
The commercial real estate also looks and quacks like a duck:
Around the world, there are massive real estate bubbles in CanadaAustralia, UK, etc. (Since the global economies are all linked, you should care.) And Sweden tops them all:
Then there is a new asset bubble: auto loans, which is up 50%.
Another debt bubble that has reached insanity is the student loan, which now stands at $1.4 trillion (doubled since 2009). The student loan was a desperate scheme by the government to reduce the official unemployment rate after the economy tanked in 2008.
The US non-financial corporate debt ($8.7 trillion) and household debt ($13 trillion) are also at record levels.
The federal government has doubled its debt since 2008 and the debt-to-GDP has gone from under 70% to more than 100%:
Three Types of Bubbles: Bad, Worse and Ugly
Bubbles are always bad because they are illogical and, when they burst, cause a lot of pain. A bubble depends on the “greater fool theory,” whereby each person hopes that there will be a bigger idiot who will pay even more for an asset. Bubbles also appeal to the get-rich-quick fantasy.
There are three different types of bubbles.
Irrational Bubble: This is the simplest one that’s caused by hype, herd mentality and greed. Without any change in the fundamentals, the price of a product keeps going up. Whether it’s the Tulip Mania of the 17th century or the Bitcoin bubble of the 21st century, the principle driving the irrational exuberance is the same: human psychology.
Debt-driven Bubble: This is worse than a simple bubble, since people get into debts, hoping for a massive return. Mortgage, of course, is the biggest debt for most people. American middle class lost 40% of their wealth after the great financial crisis of 2008, but they forgot all about it a few years later. When the bubble bursts, everyone – families, corporations and governments – are left deeper in the hole (except for the few lucky ones and insiders who make it like bandits).
Bubble Fueled by Debt, Money-Printing and Loose Standards: This is akin to that bartender who seems to have a lot of energy. Then you find out that he had coffee at 9 pm, Red Bull at 10 pm, Ecstasy pills at 11, cocaine at midnight and meth at 2 am. The current bubble is fueled by money-printing by the central banks, artificially low interest rates set by the central banks, and loose standards for loans.
Since the 2008 crisis, the big central banks in the U.S., EU and Japan – Fed, ECB and BOJ respectively – have (digitally) printed more than $10 trillion out of thin air. Then the commercial banks turned them into $100 trillion or more, thanks to the fractional reserve system.
The Fed and other central banks also coordinated their actions and reduced the prime interest rates to virtually zero (“ZIRP” policy) and held it there for 8 years.
Easy money meant that big corporations spent trillions of dollars – including massive debts – to buy back their own shares. The ECB has spent billions buying corporate bonds and the BOJ has spent billions buying stocks. Of course, the stock market has tripled.
Financial engineering also created Housing Bubble 2.0 and other newer bubbles. Keep slashing the required down payments, incomes and credit scores, you will get more new buyers for more expensive homes and cars. Creating a bubble is not rocket science.
Wealth versus Wealth-Effect: Somewhere along the way, we collectively lost the notion of what true wealth is. Earning and saving have been replaced by borrowing, spending and speculating. In this environment, the entire nation has turned into Las Vegas, and Casino Capitalism has become the norm.
Disregard for Fundamentals: Since 2008, the US GDP grew by 35% while the stock market grew by 250%. Does that sound reasonable? Tesla has lost more than $3 billion in the last five years, but its stock price went up 10-fold during the same time. If you invested money in Amazon shares, it will take 250 years to get your money back through its earnings. Australia’s housing market is 4 times its GDP. There’s no logic when the society is caught up in a frenzy.
What’s Next?
This time is not different. All we have done since 2008 is rinse and repeat. We replaced the housing bubble with Everything Bubble. The bubbles will soon start popping all over the world (except for a few countries like Russia that has very low debt). The timing depends on how fast and how much the central banks will raise the interest rates. Even a 2% point rate hike is enough to pop the bubble, since bond markets, housing and stock buybacks are all very sensitive to interest rates. However, even without the interest rate hikes, the debt binge is coming to an end, as households and corporations are close to being maxed out. When there are no more new buyers, there will be a stampede towards the exit door. 2018 might very well turn out to be the year when the house of cards collapses again.
Chris Kanthan is the author of a new book, Syria – War of Deception. It’s available in a condensed as well as a longer version. Chris lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, has traveled to 35 countries, and writes about world affairs, politics, economy and health. His other book is Deconstructing Monsanto.

U.S. Sends Weapons To Kurds Two Days After Alleged Reports of Trump Ending Shipments


Two days after Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that U.S. President Donald Trump had promised to end American weapons shipments and support to Kurdish fanatics fighting in Syria, the United States military has been videotaped doing just that.
“The U.S. military was filmed on Monday delivering more than 100 Humvees to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria,” writes Leith Fadel of al-Masdar News.
Cavusoglu stated explicitly that Donald Trump told Turkish President Erdogan that the United States was soon going to end weapons shipments to the YPG.
“Mr. Trump clearly stated that he had given clear instructions, and that the YPG won’t be given arms and that this nonsense should have ended a long time ago,” the Associated Press quoted Cavusogluas saying.
The Washington Post reports confirmation that the Trump administration is planning to draw down support for Kurds in Syria. The article, written by Carol Morello and Erin Cunningham, stated,
Initially, the administration’s national security team appeared surprised by the Turks’ announcement and uncertain what to say about it. The State Department referred questions to the White House, and hours passed with no confirmation from the National Security Council.
In late afternoon, the White House confirmed the weapons cutoff would happen, though it provided no details on timing.
“Consistent with our previous policy, President Trump also informed President Erdogan of pending adjustments to the military support provided to our partners on the ground in Syria, now that the battle of Raqqa is complete and we are progressing into a stabilization phase to ensure that ISIS cannot return,” the White House statement said, referring to the recent liberation of the Syrian city that had served as the Islamic State’s de facto capital.
However, “pending adjustments to the military support provided to our partners on the ground in Syria” does not necessarily equal ending support to the YPG. In addition, it should be noted that the weapons shipments and Humvees shown above are allegedly being shipped to the SDF, a collection of Arab and Kurdish religious fanatics, terrorists, and cultural-marxists. While the group is being used for the same purpose as that of the YPG (establishing an area that is outside of the control of the Syrian government held by military force and backed by the United States) and is essentially a the same organization, the two groups are officially separate on paper. The SDF is nothing more than a bridge organization between Arab terrorists and Kurdish terrorists once again masquerading under the label of “moderates” and yet another example of using semantics and name changes to accomplish an overarching goal. The YPG and the SDF are, for all intents and purposes, the same organization and should not be misconstrued as anything else.
That being said, others have suggested that the shipments may have been those which were already en route and that a cease in the shipments will be forthcoming, suggesting that the shipments will indeed stop once those in the pipeline have ceased.
Others still believe that the new shipments are simply one more in a long line of Trump reversals from a more reasonable and rational policy that was signaled early on in his campaign favor of the war machine that has been operating at full throttle ever since 9/11. Considering Trump’s about-face on Afghanistan and Syria itself, the grand sellout is most likely to be continuing apace. Regardless, Trump’s alleged statement and the administration’s “pending adjustments” clearly do not equal a complete end to funding terrorists and Kurds in Syria as one can easily see. At this point, only time will tell what “adjustments” will be made between the United States and its proxy forces in Syria. One thing is almost for certain, however, those changes will not be made with the best interests of the Syrian people at heart.
Brandon Turbeville writes for Activist Post – article archive here – He is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The OutcomeTurbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.
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