
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.

27 de abril de 2020

Predictions: What Will Happen Next in the Corona Crisis?

 130  31  24
Sometimes it isn’t all that hard to predict the future. All you have to do is listen to what the social engineers are telling you they’re going to do.
For example, when the neocons tell you that we need a “new Pearl Harbor” to justify a transformation of America’s military, you can bet a new Pearl Harbor is going to arrive as soon as they get into office.
And now, after years of Bill Gates warning us that a pandemic was going to strike and utterly transform the world as we know it. He even went so far as to “simulate” the exact scenario we’re living through just before we started living through it.
So, you see my point. Sometimes seeing what’s coming next is just a question of listening to what the planners are telling us. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at four predictions for how the coronavirus crisis is likely to proceed from here.
1. The “Second Wave” Will Be Blamed on the Protesters
There is a second wave of Covid-19 coming in the next few months. We don’t have to speculate about this. Not only have we heard this from all manner of politicians and health “authorities” over the past few months, but it was an integral part of MIT Technology Review’s now-infamous “We’re not going back to normal” article, which revealed how the waves of lockdown and release were going to restructure our lives and condition us into the Corona World Order. And, lest there be any doubt that this is an important part of the plandemic narrative, Bill Gates just reaffirmed it in his latest “GatesNotes” on “The first modern pandemic.”
In fact, the pandemic planners have warned the public of a second (and third and fourth and fifth . . .) wave of this crisis so many times now that we can virtually guarantee that such a “second wave” will occur. Now, such a second wave of sickness could actually occur, if only because—as Dr. Dan Erickson notes in his recent Covid-19 briefing—people emerging from their lockdown isolation will have lowered immune systems and thus be more susceptible to pathogens of all kinds. But this dreaded “second wave” doesn’t even have to take place in reality; the statistical chicanery of the fraudsters can always be relied on to conjure up the impression of a fresh round of infections in the minds of the public. Heck, if the Japanese government can magically conjure a “surge” of SARS-CoV-2 infections into existence the very same day they announced the postponement of the 2020 Olympics (precisely as I predicted), you better believe governments around the world can deliver on the “second wave” narrative regardless of how many people may or may not be ill.
Here’s the rub: Whatever happens, the plandemic agenda-pushers are going to blame this second wave on those evil, dastardly protesters who complained about being put under house arrest. You know, those horrible, heartless grandma-killers who dared to oppose the orders to shutter the business they’ve spent their entire lifetime building up and those detestable, disgusting disease-spreaders who refused to meekly accept their sudden enforced unemployment.
You can see the outlines of this narrative already being planted in the type of coverage surrounding the growing lockdown protest movement. It’s those stupid, ignorant yokels who are out there protesting to “open Fuddruckers” who are putting the lives of those valiant medical heroes on the line by daring to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and demand a redress of their grievances!
So when things are opened up eventually (even just a little bit), you better believe that “second wave” is going to hit full force . . . at least in the media. And every single death in the daily death tally is going to be blamed on people who complained about their house imprisonment and forced unemployment.
2. The Alt Media Are Being Given the Rope to Hang Themselves
This next prediction is based on some observations:
  1. About a year ago, YouTube instituted a new system for displaying subscriber counts that corresponded with a flatlining in new subscribers for many alt media channels (including mine).
  2. Around the same time, they began implementing changes to the recommendation algorithm ensuring that “harmful content” (read: alt media) would not be recommended to viewers nearly as often.
  3. Around the time that the corona crisis really began to kick off six weeks ago, these restrictions seem to have been lifted, with my own channel’s subscriber count surging and my work being routinely recommended by the YouTube algorithm.
Now, I have no insider information about any of these changes here. I can only work with the observations that I (and some of the other alt media figures I’ve talked to) can confirm from my own experience. But there is no doubt in my mind that some of the filters that were artificially suppressing my channel and alt media content in general have been removed.
Yay! Score one for alt media truth, hey?
If only. No, I believe that what we are seeing is actually a push by YouTube and other tech companies to ensure widespread promotion of certain views questioning the official Covid-19 narrative precisely so that they will have the excuse to move ahead with the online purge, probably during that second (or third or fourth or fifth . . .) wave of the crisis. My theory is that we are being set up for a “deadly second wave” not only in the “viral pandemic” narrative, but also in the “deadly infodemic” narrative, and this sudden “flowering” of online conspiracy theorizing is going to be used as an excuse for purging any and all information that does not comport with the official government narrative of the pandemic.
Think of it as an information warfare false flag: push all sorts of “conspiracy” content—from the well-grounded to the utterly outrageous—so that it is a very visible presence in people’s online experience of this crisis. Then, as the pain deepens and things go south, the conspiracy theorists can be blamed (much like the lockdown protesters) for having muddied the waters with “misinformation.”
We’re already seeing the beginning of this narrative playing out. The social media giants have already committed to “combating fraud and misinformation” regarding Covid-19, and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has just outlined exactly what they mean by “fraud and misinformation,” namely, anything that challenges the pronouncements of the World Health Organization.
Personally, I’m going to take advantage of this brief window of opportunity to reach as many new people as I possibly can, but I’m under no delusion that the promotion of truth-related information on the controlled Big Tech social media platforms will continue for very long. As I predicted back in New World Next Year 2020, this is likely to be the year that the internet as we’ve known it ends for good.
3. China Will Be Blamed
Isn’t it funny how just a few weeks ago it was a verboten thoughtcrime to suggest that this novel coronavirus could have anything whatsoever to do with the biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan, and now such theories are mainstream headline fodder? Why do you think that is?
I’ll tell you why: It’s because this is World War III.
If that assertion sounds familiar, that’s because it’s exactly what I wrote in these pages last month. I know you’ve heard me say it before, but it bears repeating: Historians of a future age may just mark the great “coronavirus crisis” of 2020 as the first salvo in the Third World War.
As I’ve also said before, those historians would be wrong. At least, assuming they are writing about the surface-level 2D-chess version of “WWIII,” the one involving “China” vs the “US.” As I laid out here last month, the real World War III is already underway and it’s a war on free humanity by the oligarchs who seek to rule over us. But one can rest assured that if and when those oligarchs decide to truly plunge the world into chaos and let slip the dogs of war, the mis-leaders will use a “coronavirus-was-made-in-a-lab” narrative to justify that war.
The war of words is already underway. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has already raised the possibility that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan during last October’s Military World Games. In return, Senator Tom Cotton is suggesting that the virus is a leaked Chinese bioweapon, a claim that is now being doggedly pursued in certain parts of the American mockingbird media.
Now, a number of lawsuits are proceeding on the theory that this is a Chinese biological weapon and that the Chinese government should be held liable for all damages caused by Covid-19 and the ensuing shutdown of the global economy (a cool $20 trillion in one suit’s estimation). Naturally, no one is expecting that Beijing would (or would be able to) fork over $20 trillion on a US judge’s order, but if such a ruling were ever made, one can bet that it would add significantly to the case of the China hawks dwelling in Trump’s swamp.
For the millionth time, let me hasten to add that any such China-US war that develops will be a contrived and manipulated conflict, much like the contrived and manipulated Soviet-US conflict of the 20th century. But the lives lost in such a squabble would be all too real.
Make no mistake, you have not heard the last of the squabble between Beijing and Washington over who is to blame for this mess.
5. The Real Bioweapons Are Waiting in the Wings
Speaking of bioweapons, let us not rule out the possibility that we aredealing with a bioweapon of some sort. In fact, there are compelling reasons to believe that, and the knee-jerk dismissal of the idea from the usual crowd is easily debunkable as unscientific claptrap.
Yet another interesting clue along that particular cookie-crumb trail is emerging in the work of Li Lanjuan at Zhejiang University, who is now reporting the discovery of 30 separate strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some of these strains, including the one prevalent in parts of Europe and in New York City, are capable of producing 270 times the viral load of the weaker strains. The research also uncovered an unusual development in one of the patients studied:
The researchers also found three consecutive changes—known as tri-nucleotide mutations—in a 60-year-old patient, which was a rare event. Usually the genes mutated at one site at a time. This patient spent more than 50 days in hospital, much longer than other Covid-19 patients, and even his faeces were infectious with living viral strains.
Take this research—along with everything else we’re hearing about this virus—with a hefty grain of salt. But, if true, it certainly could add more weight to the theory that we are not dealing with a naturally occurring virus.
Whatever the case, we know that every major military power has spent vast amounts of money developing biological weapons of various sorts. Officially, these biological weapons programs are always done under the pretense that they are for “defensive” purposes. After all, if we don’t develop these weapons then how will we ever be able to defend ourselves against them . . . you know, if the enemy also develops them? (Don’t think about it too hard.)
Of course, Corbett Report listeners know better. The truth is that biological warfare programs are pursued for offensive purposes, too. The fact that the anthrax that terrorized America in the fall of 2001 came from Fort Detrick is just one indication that these programs exist. Heck, the Project For A New American Century even put race-specific bioweapons” on their wishlist in the “Rebuilding America’s Defenses document (see page 60).
The sad truth is that the possibility of a bioweapon being released—and, inevitably, used in a bioterror false flag event to blame on an enemy—has always been there. But now that we are transitioning from the “age of terror” into the “age of bioterror,” that possibility has become orders of magnitude more likely.
So, on that note, I leave you with this bone-chilling observation: Remember that latest “GatesNotes” that I mentioned way back up in Prediction #1? You know, “The first modern pandemic“? Well, here’s how Bill  Gates talks about this current crisis in his conclusion:
Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents’ generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic—the first modern pandemic—will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic I will ever forget it. And it is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.
Yes, not only does he liken this “fight” against the “invisible enemy” to World War II—as every politician and pundit seems to be doing these days—but he even goes so far as to call this Pandemic I. Yes, “Pandemic I.” As in part one. The obvious implication here is that, just like World War I was followed by World War II, so, too, will Pandemic I be followed by Pandemic II.
Kind of makes you wonder what else he has up his sleeve, doesn’t it?
Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Featured image is from the author

Predictions: What Will Happen Next in the Corona Crisis?

 130  31  24
Sometimes it isn’t all that hard to predict the future. All you have to do is listen to what the social engineers are telling you they’re going to do.
For example, when the neocons tell you that we need a “new Pearl Harbor” to justify a transformation of America’s military, you can bet a new Pearl Harbor is going to arrive as soon as they get into office.
And now, after years of Bill Gates warning us that a pandemic was going to strike and utterly transform the world as we know it. He even went so far as to “simulate” the exact scenario we’re living through just before we started living through it.
So, you see my point. Sometimes seeing what’s coming next is just a question of listening to what the planners are telling us. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at four predictions for how the coronavirus crisis is likely to proceed from here.
1. The “Second Wave” Will Be Blamed on the Protesters
There is a second wave of Covid-19 coming in the next few months. We don’t have to speculate about this. Not only have we heard this from all manner of politicians and health “authorities” over the past few months, but it was an integral part of MIT Technology Review’s now-infamous “We’re not going back to normal” article, which revealed how the waves of lockdown and release were going to restructure our lives and condition us into the Corona World Order. And, lest there be any doubt that this is an important part of the plandemic narrative, Bill Gates just reaffirmed it in his latest “GatesNotes” on “The first modern pandemic.”
In fact, the pandemic planners have warned the public of a second (and third and fourth and fifth . . .) wave of this crisis so many times now that we can virtually guarantee that such a “second wave” will occur. Now, such a second wave of sickness could actually occur, if only because—as Dr. Dan Erickson notes in his recent Covid-19 briefing—people emerging from their lockdown isolation will have lowered immune systems and thus be more susceptible to pathogens of all kinds. But this dreaded “second wave” doesn’t even have to take place in reality; the statistical chicanery of the fraudsters can always be relied on to conjure up the impression of a fresh round of infections in the minds of the public. Heck, if the Japanese government can magically conjure a “surge” of SARS-CoV-2 infections into existence the very same day they announced the postponement of the 2020 Olympics (precisely as I predicted), you better believe governments around the world can deliver on the “second wave” narrative regardless of how many people may or may not be ill.
Here’s the rub: Whatever happens, the plandemic agenda-pushers are going to blame this second wave on those evil, dastardly protesters who complained about being put under house arrest. You know, those horrible, heartless grandma-killers who dared to oppose the orders to shutter the business they’ve spent their entire lifetime building up and those detestable, disgusting disease-spreaders who refused to meekly accept their sudden enforced unemployment.
You can see the outlines of this narrative already being planted in the type of coverage surrounding the growing lockdown protest movement. It’s those stupid, ignorant yokels who are out there protesting to “open Fuddruckers” who are putting the lives of those valiant medical heroes on the line by daring to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and demand a redress of their grievances!
So when things are opened up eventually (even just a little bit), you better believe that “second wave” is going to hit full force . . . at least in the media. And every single death in the daily death tally is going to be blamed on people who complained about their house imprisonment and forced unemployment.
2. The Alt Media Are Being Given the Rope to Hang Themselves
This next prediction is based on some observations:
  1. About a year ago, YouTube instituted a new system for displaying subscriber counts that corresponded with a flatlining in new subscribers for many alt media channels (including mine).
  2. Around the same time, they began implementing changes to the recommendation algorithm ensuring that “harmful content” (read: alt media) would not be recommended to viewers nearly as often.
  3. Around the time that the corona crisis really began to kick off six weeks ago, these restrictions seem to have been lifted, with my own channel’s subscriber count surging and my work being routinely recommended by the YouTube algorithm.
Now, I have no insider information about any of these changes here. I can only work with the observations that I (and some of the other alt media figures I’ve talked to) can confirm from my own experience. But there is no doubt in my mind that some of the filters that were artificially suppressing my channel and alt media content in general have been removed.
Yay! Score one for alt media truth, hey?
If only. No, I believe that what we are seeing is actually a push by YouTube and other tech companies to ensure widespread promotion of certain views questioning the official Covid-19 narrative precisely so that they will have the excuse to move ahead with the online purge, probably during that second (or third or fourth or fifth . . .) wave of the crisis. My theory is that we are being set up for a “deadly second wave” not only in the “viral pandemic” narrative, but also in the “deadly infodemic” narrative, and this sudden “flowering” of online conspiracy theorizing is going to be used as an excuse for purging any and all information that does not comport with the official government narrative of the pandemic.
Think of it as an information warfare false flag: push all sorts of “conspiracy” content—from the well-grounded to the utterly outrageous—so that it is a very visible presence in people’s online experience of this crisis. Then, as the pain deepens and things go south, the conspiracy theorists can be blamed (much like the lockdown protesters) for having muddied the waters with “misinformation.”
We’re already seeing the beginning of this narrative playing out. The social media giants have already committed to “combating fraud and misinformation” regarding Covid-19, and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has just outlined exactly what they mean by “fraud and misinformation,” namely, anything that challenges the pronouncements of the World Health Organization.
Personally, I’m going to take advantage of this brief window of opportunity to reach as many new people as I possibly can, but I’m under no delusion that the promotion of truth-related information on the controlled Big Tech social media platforms will continue for very long. As I predicted back in New World Next Year 2020, this is likely to be the year that the internet as we’ve known it ends for good.
3. China Will Be Blamed
Isn’t it funny how just a few weeks ago it was a verboten thoughtcrime to suggest that this novel coronavirus could have anything whatsoever to do with the biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan, and now such theories are mainstream headline fodder? Why do you think that is?
I’ll tell you why: It’s because this is World War III.
If that assertion sounds familiar, that’s because it’s exactly what I wrote in these pages last month. I know you’ve heard me say it before, but it bears repeating: Historians of a future age may just mark the great “coronavirus crisis” of 2020 as the first salvo in the Third World War.
As I’ve also said before, those historians would be wrong. At least, assuming they are writing about the surface-level 2D-chess version of “WWIII,” the one involving “China” vs the “US.” As I laid out here last month, the real World War III is already underway and it’s a war on free humanity by the oligarchs who seek to rule over us. But one can rest assured that if and when those oligarchs decide to truly plunge the world into chaos and let slip the dogs of war, the mis-leaders will use a “coronavirus-was-made-in-a-lab” narrative to justify that war.
The war of words is already underway. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has already raised the possibility that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan during last October’s Military World Games. In return, Senator Tom Cotton is suggesting that the virus is a leaked Chinese bioweapon, a claim that is now being doggedly pursued in certain parts of the American mockingbird media.
Now, a number of lawsuits are proceeding on the theory that this is a Chinese biological weapon and that the Chinese government should be held liable for all damages caused by Covid-19 and the ensuing shutdown of the global economy (a cool $20 trillion in one suit’s estimation). Naturally, no one is expecting that Beijing would (or would be able to) fork over $20 trillion on a US judge’s order, but if such a ruling were ever made, one can bet that it would add significantly to the case of the China hawks dwelling in Trump’s swamp.
For the millionth time, let me hasten to add that any such China-US war that develops will be a contrived and manipulated conflict, much like the contrived and manipulated Soviet-US conflict of the 20th century. But the lives lost in such a squabble would be all too real.
Make no mistake, you have not heard the last of the squabble between Beijing and Washington over who is to blame for this mess.
5. The Real Bioweapons Are Waiting in the Wings
Speaking of bioweapons, let us not rule out the possibility that we aredealing with a bioweapon of some sort. In fact, there are compelling reasons to believe that, and the knee-jerk dismissal of the idea from the usual crowd is easily debunkable as unscientific claptrap.
Yet another interesting clue along that particular cookie-crumb trail is emerging in the work of Li Lanjuan at Zhejiang University, who is now reporting the discovery of 30 separate strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some of these strains, including the one prevalent in parts of Europe and in New York City, are capable of producing 270 times the viral load of the weaker strains. The research also uncovered an unusual development in one of the patients studied:
The researchers also found three consecutive changes—known as tri-nucleotide mutations—in a 60-year-old patient, which was a rare event. Usually the genes mutated at one site at a time. This patient spent more than 50 days in hospital, much longer than other Covid-19 patients, and even his faeces were infectious with living viral strains.
Take this research—along with everything else we’re hearing about this virus—with a hefty grain of salt. But, if true, it certainly could add more weight to the theory that we are not dealing with a naturally occurring virus.
Whatever the case, we know that every major military power has spent vast amounts of money developing biological weapons of various sorts. Officially, these biological weapons programs are always done under the pretense that they are for “defensive” purposes. After all, if we don’t develop these weapons then how will we ever be able to defend ourselves against them . . . you know, if the enemy also develops them? (Don’t think about it too hard.)
Of course, Corbett Report listeners know better. The truth is that biological warfare programs are pursued for offensive purposes, too. The fact that the anthrax that terrorized America in the fall of 2001 came from Fort Detrick is just one indication that these programs exist. Heck, the Project For A New American Century even put race-specific bioweapons” on their wishlist in the “Rebuilding America’s Defenses document (see page 60).
The sad truth is that the possibility of a bioweapon being released—and, inevitably, used in a bioterror false flag event to blame on an enemy—has always been there. But now that we are transitioning from the “age of terror” into the “age of bioterror,” that possibility has become orders of magnitude more likely.
So, on that note, I leave you with this bone-chilling observation: Remember that latest “GatesNotes” that I mentioned way back up in Prediction #1? You know, “The first modern pandemic“? Well, here’s how Bill  Gates talks about this current crisis in his conclusion:
Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents’ generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic—the first modern pandemic—will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic I will ever forget it. And it is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.
Yes, not only does he liken this “fight” against the “invisible enemy” to World War II—as every politician and pundit seems to be doing these days—but he even goes so far as to call this Pandemic I. Yes, “Pandemic I.” As in part one. The obvious implication here is that, just like World War I was followed by World War II, so, too, will Pandemic I be followed by Pandemic II.
Kind of makes you wonder what else he has up his sleeve, doesn’t it?
Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
Featured image is from the author

Predictions: What Will Happen Next in the Corona Crisis?

 130  31  24
Sometimes it isn’t all that hard to predict the future. All you have to do is listen to what the social engineers are telling you they’re going to do.
For example, when the neocons tell you that we need a “new Pearl Harbor” to justify a transformation of America’s military, you can bet a new Pearl Harbor is going to arrive as soon as they get into office.
And now, after years of Bill Gates warning us that a pandemic was going to strike and utterly transform the world as we know it. He even went so far as to “simulate” the exact scenario we’re living through just before we started living through it.
So, you see my point. Sometimes seeing what’s coming next is just a question of listening to what the planners are telling us. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at four predictions for how the coronavirus crisis is likely to proceed from here.
1. The “Second Wave” Will Be Blamed on the Protesters
There is a second wave of Covid-19 coming in the next few months. We don’t have to speculate about this. Not only have we heard this from all manner of politicians and health “authorities” over the past few months, but it was an integral part of MIT Technology Review’s now-infamous “We’re not going back to normal” article, which revealed how the waves of lockdown and release were going to restructure our lives and condition us into the Corona World Order. And, lest there be any doubt that this is an important part of the plandemic narrative, Bill Gates just reaffirmed it in his latest “GatesNotes” on “The first modern pandemic.”
In fact, the pandemic planners have warned the public of a second (and third and fourth and fifth . . .) wave of this crisis so many times now that we can virtually guarantee that such a “second wave” will occur. Now, such a second wave of sickness could actually occur, if only because—as Dr. Dan Erickson notes in his recent Covid-19 briefing—people emerging from their lockdown isolation will have lowered immune systems and thus be more susceptible to pathogens of all kinds. But this dreaded “second wave” doesn’t even have to take place in reality; the statistical chicanery of the fraudsters can always be relied on to conjure up the impression of a fresh round of infections in the minds of the public. Heck, if the Japanese government can magically conjure a “surge” of SARS-CoV-2 infections into existence the very same day they announced the postponement of the 2020 Olympics (precisely as I predicted), you better believe governments around the world can deliver on the “second wave” narrative regardless of how many people may or may not be ill.
Here’s the rub: Whatever happens, the plandemic agenda-pushers are going to blame this second wave on those evil, dastardly protesters who complained about being put under house arrest. You know, those horrible, heartless grandma-killers who dared to oppose the orders to shutter the business they’ve spent their entire lifetime building up and those detestable, disgusting disease-spreaders who refused to meekly accept their sudden enforced unemployment.
You can see the outlines of this narrative already being planted in the type of coverage surrounding the growing lockdown protest movement. It’s those stupid, ignorant yokels who are out there protesting to “open Fuddruckers” who are putting the lives of those valiant medical heroes on the line by daring to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and demand a redress of their grievances!
So when things are opened up eventually (even just a little bit), you better believe that “second wave” is going to hit full force . . . at least in the media. And every single death in the daily death tally is going to be blamed on people who complained about their house imprisonment and forced unemployment.
2. The Alt Media Are Being Given the Rope to Hang Themselves
This next prediction is based on some observations:
  1. About a year ago, YouTube instituted a new system for displaying subscriber counts that corresponded with a flatlining in new subscribers for many alt media channels (including mine).
  2. Around the same time, they began implementing changes to the recommendation algorithm ensuring that “harmful content” (read: alt media) would not be recommended to viewers nearly as often.
  3. Around the time that the corona crisis really began to kick off six weeks ago, these restrictions seem to have been lifted, with my own channel’s subscriber count surging and my work being routinely recommended by the YouTube algorithm.
Now, I have no insider information about any of these changes here. I can only work with the observations that I (and some of the other alt media figures I’ve talked to) can confirm from my own experience. But there is no doubt in my mind that some of the filters that were artificially suppressing my channel and alt media content in general have been removed.
Yay! Score one for alt media truth, hey?
If only. No, I believe that what we are seeing is actually a push by YouTube and other tech companies to ensure widespread promotion of certain views questioning the official Covid-19 narrative precisely so that they will have the excuse to move ahead with the online purge, probably during that second (or third or fourth or fifth . . .) wave of the crisis. My theory is that we are being set up for a “deadly second wave” not only in the “viral pandemic” narrative, but also in the “deadly infodemic” narrative, and this sudden “flowering” of online conspiracy theorizing is going to be used as an excuse for purging any and all information that does not comport with the official government narrative of the pandemic.
Think of it as an information warfare false flag: push all sorts of “conspiracy” content—from the well-grounded to the utterly outrageous—so that it is a very visible presence in people’s online experience of this crisis. Then, as the pain deepens and things go south, the conspiracy theorists can be blamed (much like the lockdown protesters) for having muddied the waters with “misinformation.”
We’re already seeing the beginning of this narrative playing out. The social media giants have already committed to “combating fraud and misinformation” regarding Covid-19, and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has just outlined exactly what they mean by “fraud and misinformation,” namely, anything that challenges the pronouncements of the World Health Organization.
Personally, I’m going to take advantage of this brief window of opportunity to reach as many new people as I possibly can, but I’m under no delusion that the promotion of truth-related information on the controlled Big Tech social media platforms will continue for very long. As I predicted back in New World Next Year 2020, this is likely to be the year that the internet as we’ve known it ends for good.
3. China Will Be Blamed
Isn’t it funny how just a few weeks ago it was a verboten thoughtcrime to suggest that this novel coronavirus could have anything whatsoever to do with the biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan, and now such theories are mainstream headline fodder? Why do you think that is?
I’ll tell you why: It’s because this is World War III.
If that assertion sounds familiar, that’s because it’s exactly what I wrote in these pages last month. I know you’ve heard me say it before, but it bears repeating: Historians of a future age may just mark the great “coronavirus crisis” of 2020 as the first salvo in the Third World War.
As I’ve also said before, those historians would be wrong. At least, assuming they are writing about the surface-level 2D-chess version of “WWIII,” the one involving “China” vs the “US.” As I laid out here last month, the real World War III is already underway and it’s a war on free humanity by the oligarchs who seek to rule over us. But one can rest assured that if and when those oligarchs decide to truly plunge the world into chaos and let slip the dogs of war, the mis-leaders will use a “coronavirus-was-made-in-a-lab” narrative to justify that war.
The war of words is already underway. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has already raised the possibility that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan during last October’s Military World Games. In return, Senator Tom Cotton is suggesting that the virus is a leaked Chinese bioweapon, a claim that is now being doggedly pursued in certain parts of the American mockingbird media.
Now, a number of lawsuits are proceeding on the theory that this is a Chinese biological weapon and that the Chinese government should be held liable for all damages caused by Covid-19 and the ensuing shutdown of the global economy (a cool $20 trillion in one suit’s estimation). Naturally, no one is expecting that Beijing would (or would be able to) fork over $20 trillion on a US judge’s order, but if such a ruling were ever made, one can bet that it would add significantly to the case of the China hawks dwelling in Trump’s swamp.
For the millionth time, let me hasten to add that any such China-US war that develops will be a contrived and manipulated conflict, much like the contrived and manipulated Soviet-US conflict of the 20th century. But the lives lost in such a squabble would be all too real.
Make no mistake, you have not heard the last of the squabble between Beijing and Washington over who is to blame for this mess.
5. The Real Bioweapons Are Waiting in the Wings
Speaking of bioweapons, let us not rule out the possibility that we aredealing with a bioweapon of some sort. In fact, there are compelling reasons to believe that, and the knee-jerk dismissal of the idea from the usual crowd is easily debunkable as unscientific claptrap.
Yet another interesting clue along that particular cookie-crumb trail is emerging in the work of Li Lanjuan at Zhejiang University, who is now reporting the discovery of 30 separate strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some of these strains, including the one prevalent in parts of Europe and in New York City, are capable of producing 270 times the viral load of the weaker strains. The research also uncovered an unusual development in one of the patients studied:
The researchers also found three consecutive changes—known as tri-nucleotide mutations—in a 60-year-old patient, which was a rare event. Usually the genes mutated at one site at a time. This patient spent more than 50 days in hospital, much longer than other Covid-19 patients, and even his faeces were infectious with living viral strains.
Take this research—along with everything else we’re hearing about this virus—with a hefty grain of salt. But, if true, it certainly could add more weight to the theory that we are not dealing with a naturally occurring virus.
Whatever the case, we know that every major military power has spent vast amounts of money developing biological weapons of various sorts. Officially, these biological weapons programs are always done under the pretense that they are for “defensive” purposes. After all, if we don’t develop these weapons then how will we ever be able to defend ourselves against them . . . you know, if the enemy also develops them? (Don’t think about it too hard.)
Of course, Corbett Report listeners know better. The truth is that biological warfare programs are pursued for offensive purposes, too. The fact that the anthrax that terrorized America in the fall of 2001 came from Fort Detrick is just one indication that these programs exist. Heck, the Project For A New American Century even put race-specific bioweapons” on their wishlist in the “Rebuilding America’s Defenses document (see page 60).
The sad truth is that the possibility of a bioweapon being released—and, inevitably, used in a bioterror false flag event to blame on an enemy—has always been there. But now that we are transitioning from the “age of terror” into the “age of bioterror,” that possibility has become orders of magnitude more likely.
So, on that note, I leave you with this bone-chilling observation: Remember that latest “GatesNotes” that I mentioned way back up in Prediction #1? You know, “The first modern pandemic“? Well, here’s how Bill  Gates talks about this current crisis in his conclusion:
Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents’ generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic—the first modern pandemic—will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic I will ever forget it. And it is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.
Yes, not only does he liken this “fight” against the “invisible enemy” to World War II—as every politician and pundit seems to be doing these days—but he even goes so far as to call this Pandemic I. Yes, “Pandemic I.” As in part one. The obvious implication here is that, just like World War I was followed by World War II, so, too, will Pandemic I be followed by Pandemic II.
Kind of makes you wonder what else he has up his sleeve, doesn’t it?
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We Won’t Lift the Quarantine on Kemp

by Greg Palast 
When Donald Trump thinks you’re Looney Tunes, time to get professional help, Mr. Kemp.
[Check out this recent 6-minute profile of our work on Kemp and nationally by NBC’s Brian Ross—filmed safely from my home office.]

Gov. Brian Kemp has decided to “open up” Georgia, extending a nice, warm Georgia welcome to the coronavirus.
Even Fox News pundits are rolling their eyes and Trump, finger in the wind, turned on Kemp.  But in the storm over Kemp's goofball “opening,” Kemp's other threat to Georgians has gone unnoticed.
The state of Georgia has quietly decided to make voting by mail murderously difficult for young Georgians and voters of color.  Crucially, the state, following the example of Ohio, will simply not send mail-in ballot requests to so-called “inactive” voters—approximately half a million of them—about 2-to-1 Democrats.
And, talk about nasty:  Georgia is also refusing the ACLU demand that the state send mail-out ballots with return postage paid.  (100,000 voters in 2016 lost their votes because of postage due.)
The Palast Investigative Fund continues successfully litigating against Kemp—keeping him safely sheltered in federal court.
And we are taking what we learned in Georgia on the road.  We filmed in Wisconsin just before the lockdown—and have put our entire 15-person team on an investigative report on the steal planned for that swing state.
If you thought the vote for Wisconsin's Supreme Court two weeks ago blocked the planned purge of 232,000 citizens—sorry to tell you…not so.  Wisconsin voters are still on the verge of getting “Kemp’d.”

Book’m, Dan-o
The stories of the upcoming theft of Georgia, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida are all in my new book, How Trump Stole 2020:  The Hunt for America’s Vanished Voters.
Don’t let the title spook you:  we can steal it back—that is, bust the vote rustlers and let the voters choose the president (a novel idea, eh?).
The book has fun facts about ballot bandits like Kemp (who will clean up on the virus: he owns pulp timber used for toilet paper. No kidding.)
“Greg Palast is my hero. One of the most thorough and incisive journalists on the matter of elections and he’s f!#*ing hilarious! Read this. It might just save us.”     Josh Fox, director, Gasland

We’d like to add your name as a supporter in the book’s acknowledgments.   Make a tax-deductible donation within the next 48 hours–by midnight ET Tuesday, April 28And I'll send you a signed copy when it’s released in June.

Available for pre-order from...

Venezuela. Entrevista exclusiva a Adán Chávez: «Frente a la pandemia, el pueblo de Venezuela responde con civismo y profundo amor a la Patria»

Por Geraldina Colotti, Corresponsal europea de Resumen Latinoamericano, 25 de abril 2020
El profesor Adán Chávez Frías, hermano mayor del Comandante Eterno, no necesita presentación. Es Vicepresidente de Asuntos Internacionales del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), actualmente es embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en la República de Cuba y dirige el Instituto de Altos estudios Hugo Chávez. Le agradecemos por aceptar responder nuestras preguntas desde La Habana.
¿Cómo analiza esta pandemia desde Cuba?
Vivimos una coyuntura muy compleja para la humanidad, lo que ha motivado a que en todo el mundo se realicen esfuerzos para enfrentar este nuevo coronavirus, el Covid-19. Ahora, al evaluar las distintas formas en que ha sido abordado el combate a esta pandemia, podemos afirmar que ha quedado demostrada la ineficiencia e inviabilidad de un modelo excluyente e injusto que agoniza: el capitalismo, que acabo con los sistemas sanitarios de aquellos países que lo asumieron.
Por el contrario, el modelo socialista, con su claro acento en la gente, y en la solidaridad como herramienta para combatir al Covid-19; ha demostrado la valía de sus preceptos, sobreponiendo a los cálculos económicos, la preservación de la vida.
Uno de esos casos a resaltar, además de países como China y Rusia, es el de la hermana República de Cuba; país que pese a ser víctima, al igual que Venezuela, de un criminal bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial por parte del imperialismo norteamericano, sigue siendo ejemplo de humanismo e internacionalismo.
Hasta el momento, Cuba ha destinado 23 brigadas de profesionales de la salud, del Contingente “Henry Reeve”, para sumarse al esfuerzo nacional y local que se realiza en 20 países del mundo para combatir el Covid-19; cifra que se suma a las brigadas de colaboración médica que mantiene en 60 países, que también se han incorporado al esfuerzo de combatir esta enfermedad, en donde ya prestan sus servicios Todo ello, sin descuidar para nada la responsabilidad de proteger a su Pueblo.
Lo propio hace el Gobierno Bolivariano en favor de las venezolanas y los venezolanos, sin distintos de ninguna naturaleza y donde quiera que se encuentren. Por ejemplo, nosotros acá en La Habana, atendiendo a las responsabilidades que tenemos como representante diplomático de nuestro país en la Isla, hemos estado atendiendo a aquellas y aquellos connacionales que, por distintas razones, se encuentran aún en Cuba; buena parte de los cuales hemos logrado retornen al país; gracias al empeño del compañero Presidente Nicolás Maduro, hijo de Chávez, de garantizar el regreso a la Patria de éstas y éstos compatriotas.
Adán Chávez junto a Fidel Castro
¿Por qué Venezuela, a pesar de todo el acoso, está teniendo éxito con el Covid-19?
Las venezolanas y los venezolanos hemos decidido afrontar esta batalla con responsabilidad, disciplina y consciencia del deber social, como permanentemente lo hizo el líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana, desde los primeros momentos en que comenzó a gestarse nuestro proyecto revolucionario.
De manera que, nuestro Pueblo ha respondido con civismo y profundo amor a la Patria, al llamado a la cuarentena social, y ha seguido al pie de la letra todas las directrices emanadas por el Gobierno Bolivariano, con el compañero Presidente Maduro al frente; quién no dudó en tomar medidas contundentes para salvaguardar la integridad de nuestra gente, en consonancia con las recomendaciones formuladas por instancias como la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Ello, a la par de adoptar un conjunto de iniciativas orientadas a garantizar que los diversos sectores estratégicos del país se mantengan operativos, y puedan dar una respuesta oportuna e inmediata ante la pandemia; mostrando como, en socialismo, el ser humano es el centro de todas las políticas diseñadas e implementadas.
Hoy podemos decir que la actuación del Gobierno Bolivariano para la contención del Covid-19 ha sido ejemplar y es referencia para otros Pueblos de Nuestra América Latinocaribeña y el mundo; una tarea para cuyo cumplimiento hemos contado con el apoyo invaluable de países como China, Rusia y la siempre consecuente Cuba.
Seguro estoy de que esa disciplina, ese elevado grado de consciencia y ese espíritu aguerrido del heroico Pueblo venezolano, seguirán poniéndose de manifiesto, porque las venezolanas y los venezolanos siempre nos hemos crecido en las adversidades; así como lo hemos hecho al derrotar, en unión cívico-militar y en defensa del legado del Comandante Hugo Chávez, líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana, todos y cada uno de los intentos emprendidos por la ultraderecha venezolana con el auspicio del imperialismo norteamericano, para procurar dar al traste con el proyecto de amplias transformaciones que tiene lugar en nuestro país desde el año 1999.
Hace 15 años el Comandante Chávez, con el apoyo de Fidel, creó Barrio Adentro. ¿Qué recuerda de esto y qué cosa puede enseñar a Europa?
La Misión Barrio Adentro, que el pasado 16 de abril cumplió 15 años de creada, es un claro ejemplo de la estrecha relación que existe entre nuestros Pueblos, a partir de la firma del Convenio Integral de Cooperación Cuba-Venezuela, suscrito por iniciativa de los Comandantes Fidel Castro y Hugo Chávez el 30 de octubre del año 2000.
La Misión Barrio Adentro es, sin duda una, una de las políticas sociales más importantes impulsada por el Gobierno Bolivariano, y significó el acceso de nuestro Pueblo a una atención médica gratuita, preventiva y de calidad, incluyendo aquellas comunidades que antes del arribo al poder de la Revolución Bolivariana, en el año 1999, estaban excluidas, como consecuencia del modelo neoliberal impuesto al país en la IV República, que nos mantuvo durante décadas en la miseria y la desolación.
Hoy, así lo dispone la Constitución Bolivariana, la salud es un derecho social fundamental en el país, siendo obligación del Estado venezolano garantizarlo como parte del derecho a la vida de nuestro Pueblo; un cometido en el que la Misión Barrio Adentro juega un importante rol, como herramienta fundamental para robustecer un Sistema Público Nacional que hoy es capaz de afrontar la pandemia, con gran eficiencia y de manera gratuita.
Esta es una posibilidad que hoy no tienen, en líneas generales, las y los habitantes de Europa, dado que los sistemas sanitarios de sus países han demostrado estar en crisis y ser incapaces de atender eficazmente al Covid-19. Europa destruyó el denominado modelo de bienestar que, con sus bajas y sus altas, se había logrado instalar en ese Continente; una consecuencia que hoy pagan las ciudadanas y los ciudadanos europeos, que tienen que acudir a sistemas de salud desbordados por la realidad de la pandemia, lo que demuestra la profunda crisis en la que se encuentran, producto del modelo neoliberal que asumieron.
Las autoridades europeas privatizaron sus sistemas sanitarios, cuyo mantenimiento era considerado una carga para el Estado y no, como ocurre por ejemplo en Venezuela, una necesaria inversión en beneficio del Pueblo. Sólo en el año 2020, el porcentaje del presupuesto anual destinado a la inversión social asciende al 75,9%; a pesar de las limitaciones que supone para el país el criminal bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial impuesto por el imperialismo norteamericano.
Mientras que en Europa priorizaron ante la toma de decisiones oportunas orientadas a la protección de la vida de sus connacionales, la rentabilidad, el cálculo de los efectos socioeconómicos; en Venezuela y otros países fueron adoptadas medidas drásticas en favor de la gente, incluyendo la permanente repotenciación de sus sistemas de salud, que han mostrado su efectividad en el escenario actual.
En 2013, al celebrar su elección en Miraflores, mientras ya Capriles estaba descargando «la arrechera», el Presidente Maduro denunció que la oligarquía le había propuesto un acuerdo y que él lo rechazó. ¿Qué pasó después?, ¿Cuál ha sido el peso de la oligarquía y qué cosa ha logrado hasta hora?
El año 2013 fue muy difícil para la Revolución Bolivariana. Acabábamos de despedir al Comandante Hugo Chávez y tuvimos que afrontar las elecciones presidenciales; elecciones en las que una vez más las fuerzas de la Patria salimos triunfantes, aún en medio de la gran tristeza colectiva que padecía el Pueblo venezolano por la pérdida del líder; unos resultados que, como bien dice usted, no fueron reconocidos por la oposición venezolana.
Ahora, esta actitud no es nada nuevo. Prácticamente no ha habido proceso electoral en que hayan perdido, cuyos resultados hayan reconocido, a pesar de que Venezuela dispone de uno de los sistemas electorales más confiables del mundo. Sólo reconocen los resultados cuando ganan, como ocurrió en las elecciones parlamentarias del año 2015; cuyo triunfo opositor, por cierto, fue rápidamente avalado por las fuerzas patriotas.
De manera que, la oligarquía apátrida venezolana siempre ha apelado al “atajo” golpista, ante la imposibilidad de vencer en las urnas electorales a la Revolución Bolivariana; lo que ha llevado a nuestro Pueblo a estar preparado para defender, en unión cívico-militar, el legado del Comandante Hugo Chávez, afrontando con determinación todas las arremetidas golpistas que de manera permanente han tenido lugar en estos 21 años, incluyendo la tentativa de Capriles en el año 2013. Ante cada fracaso, la oposición venezolana se ha venido desgastando y, prácticamente, lo único que la mantiene es el apoyo directo del gobierno norteamericano.
No ha habido, no hay y no habrá pacto con la oligarquía para traicionar al heroico Pueblo venezolano, que se mantiene firme en defensa de su revolución.
En Europa manda el mercado y así quieren que sigue pasando después de la recesión post pandemia. ¿Qué va pasar en Venezuela?
Me parece que, aunque algunas y algunos insisten testarudamente en la adopción de decisiones que hasta ahora han demostrado ser parte del problema; una vez se logre controlar la pandemia, el mundo será otro.
Claro, ello amerita del concurso de todas y todos nosotros, de la movilización de las organizaciones políticas y sociales del mundo, de cuanto hagamos ahora para hacer del planeta un lugar más justo, seguro y decente; fundamentalmente de la clase obrera, que por estos fechas celebra el Día Internacional del Trabajador y la Trabajadora.
En todo caso, países como China, Cuba y Venezuela, entre otros que han puesto su acento en la gente, en salvaguardar su vida, saldrán fortalecidos; mientras que los países capitalistas, que han demostrado una gran ineptitud para afrontar esta compleja coyuntura, van a salir debilitados, por mucha fuerza económica y militar que tengan, como es el caso de los propios Estados Unidos y de una Europa, que por cierto tiene poco que mostrar como ejemplo en materia de unidad y cooperación.
En el caso de Venezuela, habremos además validado nuestro modelo de bienestar social, el Sistema de Misiones y Grandes Misiones Socialistas; así como el esquema de integración que hemos venido desarrollando estos años, sustentado como se sabe en el ideario integracionista del Padre Libertador Simón Bolívar.
Adán Chávez y el presidente cubano Miguel Díaz Canel
En Europa la propaganda de guerra contra el Gobierno Bolivariano es muy fuerte. ¿Cómo explicaría lo que está pasando ahorita con la gasolina, la especulación de los precios?
Venezuela es víctima de una criminal arremetida imperial, que se expresa en los ámbitos político-diplomático y económico-financiero; siendo objeto de fuertes medidas coercitivas unilaterales, adoptadas extraterritorialmente por el gobierno supremacista de Estados Unidos, desde al menos el año 2014.
Esas medidas constituyen un Crimen de Lesa Humanidad, según lo previsto en el Estatuto de Roma; y están orientadas a impedir que nuestro país pueda realizar transacciones para acceder a alimentos y medicinas para atender a nuestro Pueblo, conseguir financiamiento internacional -esta prohibición incluye: bonos, préstamos, extensiones de préstamos, garantías de préstamos, cartas de crédito, facturas o notas de descuento y papales comerciales-, al bloqueo de las actividades financieras del Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV), y a prohibir la realización de las operaciones de Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), de las cuales depende buena parte de los ingresos del país, al punto de serle confiscada la filial CITGO, ubicada en territorio estadounidense, e impedir que lleguen al país los insumos requeridos para producir combustible. También, se nos ha prohibido poder efectuar cualquier transacción con oro y criptomonedas.
Todas estas medidas de asfixia económica, como las implementadas en su momento en contra del Presidente Mártir Salvador Allende, aunadas a las acciones de ciberterrorismo orientadas a la fijación de un tipo de cambio paralelo e ilegal, como es el caso de Dólar Today, han afectado sin duda la economía venezolana, exacerbando las presiones inflacionarias, disminuyendo el poder de compra de las venezolanas y los venezolanos, y socavando la autoridad de nuestro Banco Central.
Por si fuera poco, recientemente el gobierno norteamericano robó a nuestro país 342 millones de dólares, que tenía depositado el Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV) en el Citybank; dinero que fue “transferido” a la Reserva Federal estadounidense; un hecho de pillaje que evidencia la gravedad del ataque de que es víctima el Pueblo venezolano.
Todo este accionar se soporta, además, en una agresiva campaña antibolivariana, desplegada con la complicidad de las grandes corporaciones informativas mundiales, que coordinan líneas editoriales que resaltan permanentemente medias verdades y mentiras descaradas sobre la realidad venezolana, en procura de empañar la imagen del compañero Presidente Nicolás Maduro y el Gobierno Bolivariano, cuestionar la autonomía de los Poderes Públicos de la República y socavar la moral de quienes militan y/o simpatizan con la Revolución Bolivariana.
Después la desaparición física del Comandante quedó histórico tu mensaje retomando su morral. ¿Qué lleva aún en este morral?, ¿Cuál es el legado concreto que queda de Hugo Chávez en Venezuela?
El Comandante Hugo Chávez nos dejó un morral de sueños y proyectos, algunos de los cuales debemos seguir consolidando. Como dije aquel día tan triste, es un morral infinito, que no tiene dimensiones, donde caben todos los anhelos de la América Latinocaribeña, de los Pueblos del mundo. Ese morral no sólo lo llevo yo sobre mis hombros, sino todo el Pueblo venezolano, las mujeres y los hombres de bien que trabajamos sin descanso por la prosperidad de la Patria, aquellas y aquellos que defendemos su soberanía e independencia, las y los que luchamos incansablemente por la unión verdadera de nuestra Patria Grande.
Como sabemos, nuestro líder eterno fue un vehemente y consecuente defensor de la dignidad nacional y nuestroamericana, amenazada permanentemente por el enemigo histórico de nuestros Pueblos. En tiempos tan complejos como los actuales, en los que seguimos siendo objeto de la saña imperial, por parte de quienes insisten en vernos como su patio trasero, es cuando cobra mayor fuerza el que tomemos plena consciencia, a nivel continental, del compromiso que tenemos con ese morral, que no es más que el legado de Chávez.
Ahí están, para el mundo, los innegables logros en distintos ámbitos del quehacer nacional: salud, cultura, deporte, recreación, vivienda, seguridad social y defensa nacional, entre muchos otros en beneficio del Pueblo venezolano.
No han podido ni podrán con Venezuela, precisamente por el inmenso legado del líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana, con quien recuperamos nuestra independencia nacional, como el bien más preciado que hemos reconquistado después de 200 años, como el propio Chávez lo escribió en el Plan de la Patria, parte fundamental de su legado; una independencia que las venezolanas y los venezolanos estamos dispuestos a defender al precio que sea.
Con el presidente Nicolás Maduro
Todos los Pueblos tienes miedo que Trump pueda agredir militarmente a Venezuela. ¿Qué piensa? y ¿qué puede hacer Cuba?
En su desespero por acabar con la Revolución Bolivariana, y ante el fracaso de los intentos precedentes, la actual administración estadounidense ha asumido de manera directa la conducción de la oposición venezolana, y la ejecución de los planes orientados a procurar alcanzar dicho cometido; al punto de, efectivamente, amenazar con intervenir militarmente nuestro país para derrocar al Gobierno Bolivariano y adueñarse de sus riquezas naturales, así como para castigar al Pueblo de Bolívar y Chávez por su atrevimiento de ser fraterno, soberano e independiente. Todo ello, ahora bajo una infame acusación en contra del compañero Presidente Nicolás Maduro y otros dirigentes, a quienes se pretende vincular con el narcotráfico, sin que medie prueba alguna.
Ante esa amenaza, que deja ver el carácter irracional e irresponsable de las acciones que, desde una posición abiertamente guerrerista, emprende Donald Trump contra nuestro país; el Pueblo venezolano, de estirpe valiente, se ha plantado en defensa de la Patria y su independencia. Como dije antes: estamos listos para defender a nuestra Patria en el terreno que sea necesario.
Además, en todo el mundo se ha desatado la solidaridad con nuestro país, en defensa de la paz, la soberanía y la democracia bolivariana; un escenario en el que Cuba, como siempre, se ha puesto a la vanguardia, manifestando su inquebrantable compromiso con las venezolanas y los venezolanos, en el escenario que fuere.
¿Qué puede cambiar esta pandemia en los eventos políticos de Venezuela con respeto a las elecciones, a la oposición golpista?
El compañero Presidente Nicolás Maduro ha manifestado recientemente, en una entrevista con una radio argentina, que sería irresponsable de su parte decir que tiene que haber elecciones a toda costa este año; un escenario que parece poco probable por ahora, en momentos en los que la prioridad es la lucha contra la pandemia del Covid-19. Ahora bien, sean cuando sean las elecciones, se mostrará a través de ellas, que crece el apoyo del Pueblo a su gestión al frente del Gobierno Bolivariano. Las y los indiferentes terminarán dándose cuenta que no hay otro camino, sino el del socialismo bolivariano.
En los congresos mundiales después del Foro de Sao Paolo se ha establecido una agenda de lucha internacional. ¿Cómo se tendría que actualizar en esta pandemia con respeto a la actividad internacionalista del PSUV?
El Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), desarrolla sus relaciones internacionales con apegado a la política exterior del país, regida como se sabe, entre otros, por los principios de independencia, igualdad, libre determinación, cooperación, respeto de los derechos humanos y solidaridad entre los Pueblos.
En este contexto, desde la Vicepresidencia de Asuntos Internacionales -instancia sectorial de nuestro partido que nos corresponde dirigir en la actualidad-, hemos venido profundizando nuestro relacionamiento con distintas organizaciones políticas, sociales y de trabajadoras y trabajadores del mundo; así como con parlamentarias y parlamentarios, comunicadoras y comunicadores alternativos, algunos de ellos aglutinados en el Consejo Nacional e Internacional de la Comunicación Popular (Conaicop), y miembros de la Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales en Defensa de la Humanidad; por solo mencionar algunos sectores.
Este profundo accionar internacional, pone su acento como es normal en Nuestra América Latinocaribeña y, de manera particular, en el relacionamiento con las organizaciones que forman parte del Foro de Sao Paulo (FSP), cuyo XXV Encuentro celebramos en Venezuela en el año 2019; un encuentro del cual surgió un Plan de Lucha que fue asumido por las fuerzas progresistas del Continente y otras partes del mundo que participaron de la cita.
Dicho plan, ha venido desarrollándose de manera satisfactoria, aunque lógicamente tendrá que ser ajustado a la luz de la nueva realidad internacional que surge producto de la pandemia del Covid-19. En todo caso, dichos ajustes implicarían la adopción de nuevos métodos a partir de los cuales se le dé continuidad al trabajo que, en el ámbito internacional, hemos venido desarrollando para la defensa de las grandes causas de la humanidad; y para el combate contra el capitalismo depredador, causante de los grandes males del mundo hoy.
Todas esas batallas por venir en defensa de la causa humana, nos seguirán encontrando, al Pueblo y Gobierno venezolano, y al Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), en la primera línea de combate; junto a las demás organizaciones progresistas de Nuestra América y el mundo.
¿Puede hablar de la actividad del Instituto de Altos Estudios Hugo Chávez?
El Instituto de Altos Estudios del Pensamiento del Comandante Eterno Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, fue creado por el Gobierno Bolivariano en el año 2013, con el fin de preservar y difundir el legado del líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana; siendo designado este humilde servidor para dirigirlo, por decisión del compañero Presidente Nicolás Maduro.
La Institución desarrolla y fomenta en la actualidad distintos tipos de trabajo creativo y conceptual en cumplimiento de su objeto; que suponen el estudio, investigación, recopilación, resguardo y difusión del ideario de nuestro Comandante Eterno, en los ámbitos político, ideológico, científico, social y cultural.
En tal sentido, por tan solo citar algunos de los programas diseñados para tales fines, han sido puestos a disposición de todas las ciudadanas y los ciudadanos del mundo, miles de documentos que dan cuenta del ideario político del Comandante Hugo Chávez, y que forman parte de su legado oral y escrito; documentos incorporados al portal “todochavezenlaweb”, clasificados en las categorías “discursos y alocuciones”, “Aló Presidente”, “entrevistas y declaraciones”, “encuentros y coloquios”, “escritos” y “todo Chávez en orden cronológico”. A toda esa información podemos acceder a través de un buscador muy amigable, que facilita la labor de quien ingresa a la página.
Asimismo, y entre otras iniciativas que hemos venido desarrollando en materia de formación, el Instituto imparte en diferentes entidades federales del país el diplomado “Visión General del Legado del Comandante Hugo Chávez”, en el que las y los participantes conocen distintos aspectos del legado del líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana, del que hemos hablado antes.
También, hemos avanzado en un intenso programa editorial, a partir del cual ha sido impresa una buena cantidad de textos que recogen distintos elementos relacionados con el ideario de nuestro Comandante Eterno, con su visión y praxis. Algunos de estos, los más recientes, fueron presentados en el mes de febrero del presente año en La Habana, en el marco de la XXIX Feria Internacional del Libro de este hermano País.
Mención aparte merece el programa “La Huella Incandescente”, a partir del cual se registran de manera videográfica los testimonios de personas vinculadas con la vida y gestión de gobierno del líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana, desde su juventud hasta sus últimos días de existencia física.
Además, y a la par de lo que venimos haciendo a nivel nacional, el Instituto ha venido relacionándose con otras Instituciones análogas de gran prestigio en el mundo, como el Centro de Estudios Che Guevara, en Cuba; el Instituto Schafik Hándal, en El Salvador; y el Centro Cultural de la Cooperación “Floreal Gorini”, en Argentina. Con algunas de estas Instituciones, han sido suscritos Convenios de cooperación, cuyo desarrollo debemos seguir profundizando cada día más; ya que, autocríticamente, debemos señalar que se trata de un campo en el que tenemos aún mucho por hacer.
De manera que, a pesar de lo mucho hecho hasta ahora, la dimensión de la tarea por realizar es gigantesca, como el legado de Chávez. Fíjate, en este momento estamos desarrollando un proyecto de gran envergadura, que ameritará varios años de trabajo: la publicación de las obras completas del pensamiento de nuestro Comandante Eterno; así como iniciativas para poder impartir nuestra oferta formativa de manera virtual, avanzar en un mayor relacionamiento internacional del Instituto, y la recopilación y registro de nuevos títulos relacionados con la vida y obra del líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana, la historia contemporánea de Venezuela, el rol de la izquierda en el mundo y los procesos de integración actualmente en curso. Todos ellos, formarán parte de un gran Centro de Documentación que hemos venido desarrollando desde hace ya varios años.

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La Revolucion no sera transmitida (I)

(II) La revolucion so sera transmitida

(III) La Revolucion no sera transmitida

(IV) La Revolucion no sera transmitida

(V) La Revolucion no sera transmitida

(VI) La Revolucion no sera transmitida

(VII) La revolucion no sera transmitida

(VIII) La Revolucion no sera transmitida

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