Dear Silvana and Art:
My friend David Ho, who is a smart Chinese market investor (originally from Singapore) sent me the letters below regarding the financial situation in USA. Please read those very well prepared economic comments, particularly the last letter. Of all the guys who claim that the economy is coming back, nobody, but nobody even mentions that the WAR IN IRAQ is costing the American Taxpayer 20 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH . Now, the two candidates-Obama and McCain- are talking about increasing the troops in Afghanistan where victory and "Mission Accomplished" is at hand and once they win in Afghanistan, USA should go immediately after Syria and Iran. Obviously the candidates are not mentioning the billions needed to topple Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Raúl Castro in Cuba and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragüa. If the deficit in USA is already 10.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, wait the presidency of McCain or Obama where each candidate will increase to 50 billions the aid to Israel and the USA deficit because of the new wars in the Middle East and in Latin America will reach more than 50 TRILLION DOLLARS. So, lets be prepared to end programs such help to the victims of disasters such as hurricanes Kathrinas, Ikes, etc., or programs Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, Pensions, Veteran Administration, etc. Our great civilization is going down-hill and nobody, but nobody, can stop the decay of the Imperial Mentality's motto that "domination, profit and exploitation" are the ONLY WAY TO LIVE.
Kind regards,
Urgent Investing Alert:
The Financial Panic of 2008-2009
Don’t let the fake-out rally fool you. What to Do Now!
Fellow Investor,
With the way the Dow rallied today, everything must finally be A-OK in the banking world, right?
The government wonks have it all figured out – just print another trillion dollars and bail out everybody.
What a load of bull! The worst isn’t over – not by a long shot.
We’re going to see runs on small-town banks, as people steamroll each other to get their money out while they still can.
We’re going to see more “safe” money markets worth under a buck a share.
And mark my words, we’re going to see several more big names go belly-up, as the politicians finally realize they can’t stop this panic with smoke and mirrors.
The truth about the economy is so bad that Barack Obama and John McCain might be changing their minds right about now.
“Let Hillary have the glory.”
“I’m too old for this crap.”
I’m betting neither one of them is looking forward to being tagged as the next Depression President.
That’s right. D-e-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n. Depression.
Even just typing the word makes me shudder. But at this point, we’d be foolish not to own up to the very real possibility.
Wall Street understands.
Year-to-date, Lehman Brothers is down 99%. American International Group is down 95%. Washington Mutual, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, down 94%, 98% and 99%, respectively.
These are not sniggering little companies.
These are giants. These are some of the very pillars of American finance. Throw in Merrill Lynch, Citigroup and Bank of America, and it’s very plain that the foundation of our economy is crumbling.
And as far as the average Joe or Jane is concerned, the economy is already in shambles.
And it’s going to get a whole lot worse
Worse? Yes, unemployment soared to 6.1% in August. That came as a surprise to economists.
Home prices are down some 16% year over year. The magnitude of the drop surprised economists.
Retail sales fell 0.3% in August. They were revised down 0.5% for July. Both numbers came as a surprise to economists.
Are you starting to see a trend here? All the eggheads and government wonks have consistently underestimated the depth and breadth of our economic troubles.
They said the housing problems would be “short-lived.”
They said our financial system was “resilient and strong.”
They said the stock market would “recover by the end of the year.”
None of that is happening. And if you hold your breath waiting, it just might be the last breath you ever take.
2009 is going to be a devastating year for Main Street and Wall Street.
That stinks.
You probably just want to bury your head in the sand. But you could double your money, over and over again, instead.
I’ve been warning ChangeWave Shorts members for many months now that the economy is far weaker than the politicians are letting on.
The financial system is near total collapse. The market is headed for an even bigger crash. But we’re headed for more big gains--instead of the losses most investors are taking!
If you’re doing that well, my hat’s off to you. But if you’re not--and if you’d like to see some good news on your brokerage statement for a change--I urge you to join me now.
Our research called this economic destruction dead-on
And our newest research shows even tougher times ahead.
I’m convinced, regrettably, we’ll see a full-blown panic at best. At worst, we’re in for a replay of the 1930s.
Our latest research shows that a rapidly increasing percentage of companies are hitting the skids in regards to sales. And if sales are dropping... earnings will follow them down... and so will stock prices.
What’s more, our latest research also shows:
Companies can’t borrow money. The credit crunch is turning into a death grip.
Companies are slashing capital spending to the bone.
Companies aren’t hiring. Good luck if you expect the American consumer to turn this ship around. No jobs. No equity in their homes. Maxed out on credit cards. Forget about any soft landing to this CRASH.
We’ll get the recovery right again--when it comes.
But--and this is a big “but” if you’re not investing on the short-side now--the economy still has incredibly rough times ahead.
I just got a new Research Summary from our team--and I can’t wait to see all the detail.
It shows the restaurant business is absolutely dead-in-the-water. More jobs will be lost there. I feel bad for the folks involved.
Swoop down on the profits like a vulture
Wall Street is littered with broken companies today, just like a busy interstate is littered with carrion.
The vultures have it right. They don’t waste their energy stalking prey; they are opportunistic creatures--taking advantage of a feast when it presents itself.
As the housing sector cratered earlier this year, we banked fat gains from everything related to that crisis in confidence, including...
“La sabiduría de la vida consiste en la eliminación de lo no esencial. En reducir los problemas de la filosofía a unos pocos solamente: el goce del hogar, de la vida, de la naturaleza, de la cultura”. Lin Yutang
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.
Don Quijote de la Mancha.
La Colmena no se hace responsable ni se solidariza con las opiniones o conceptos emitidos por los autores de los artículos.
Don Quijote de la Mancha.
La Colmena no se hace responsable ni se solidariza con las opiniones o conceptos emitidos por los autores de los artículos.
23 de septiembre de 2008
Alerta Venezuela
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