
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.

11 de abril de 2009

The Russell Sage Foundation o la otra cara del fascismo

The Fascist Roots of The Behavioral Economists Surrounding Obama

April 9, 2009 (LPAC)--Time Magazine's current issue misnamed as the "Consortium of Behavioral Scientists" what Time described as "a secret advisory group of 29 of the nation's leading behaviorists" giving direction to President Barack Obama.

The group of the 29 economists is actually called the Behavioral Economics Roundtable, based at the Russell Sage Foundation in Washington DC, a part of the Behavioral Economics Project run jointly by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundaton beginning in 1986.

The project's sponsors are the same clique of London-directed strategists who created the Hitler and Mussolini regimes and ran -- and still run -- the propaganda war against Franklin Deleno Roosevelt.

The Israeli kook psychologist Daniel Kahneman, founder of "behavioral economics," whose early studies were based on London Tavistock Institute psychological warfare methods of "leaderless groups," met Alfred P. Sloan Foundation vice president/psychologist Eric Wanner in 1982. Wanner, previously employed by Britain's Sussex University, took Kahneman under his sponsorship. Wanner soon became chief executive of the Russell Sage Foundation, and instituted the Behavioral Economics Project there in 1986, run by both the Sloan and the Sage organizations.

Alfred P. Sloan was among the small circle of leading pro-Hitler industrialists in the United States. Sloan had been made chief executive of General Motors in 1923 by G.M.'s co-owners, the J. P. Morgan bank and the DuPont chemical enterprise. In 1934, Alfred P. Sloan and Morgan-DuPont financial executive John J. Raskob founded the American Liberty League, and simultaneously, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (later the original sponsor of Behavioral Economics). The Liberty League organized American pro-fascists to attack President Roosevelt, while carrying on propaganda favorable to Mussolini and Hitler.

The Sloan Foundation's assets were based on shares of General Motors, whose Opel division produced a large proportion of Germany's exports for the Hitler regime throughout the 1930s.

The Hitler legacy continues without apology in the Sloan Foundation, whose current Program Director Michael S. Teitelbaum is the former President of the American Eugenics Society.

The Russell Sage Foundation, a British Empire agency planted within the United States (with money from Wall Street robber baron Russell Sage), was X-rayed in the 1976 reference booklet entitled Carter and the Party of International Terrorism, published by the U.S. Labor Party:

"Since its incorporation in New York State in 1907, the Russell Sage Foundation has served as the major Fabian Society-Fabian Research Bureau operation in North America. Russell Sage has been the pioneer institution in the building of a 1984 [Orwellian]-style police infrastructure in this country: in the nazification of the federal judicial system; and the development of computer technology as a technical up grading of centralized Wall Street black propaganda control over every facet of the mass media in the field of overt criminal and terrorist activity, the Russell Sage foundation -- since its engineered takeover of the New York City rackets during the late 1910s-- has been maintaining an ongoing program of crime profiling.

"....Under the stated purpose of scientific social work, Russell Sage initiated a wide range of projects [aiming at] the creation of a centrally controlled, mass-social-control apparatus. Russell Sage conducted the earliest program in co-participation (Mackenzie King's profiles of the Rockefeller family Colorado mining companies) and working-class profiling (including huge studies on the working-class of Pittsburgh and San Francisco after the Great Fire).

"At the outbreak of US involvement in [World War One], Russell Sage moved its offices to Washington DC, and took over the Department of War. The Foundation - in that government capacity - organized the entire logistical and support operations for the US war effort. Personnel placed in the State Department took control over all German-American assets for the duration of the war. Col. Ayer of Russell Sage was one of President Wilson's chief negotiators and advisers at Versailles; he later assumed charge of the postwar German reparations and through this, was instrumental in creating the Anglo-American networks epitomized by the activities of [Hitler intelligence executive] Adm. Canaris and [London-controlled Nazi regime-designer] Hjalmar Schacht.

"Russell Sage [later concentrated on] funding of Raymond Fosdick [head of the Rockefeller Foundation who coordinated with Publicist Ivy Lee and Morgan partner Thomas Lamont in directing international finances and public relations for the Mussolini and Hitler regimes] and supervision of German military buildup during the Weimar period.

"In much the same sense that the original Fabian Society used visiting fellow programs as a principal method of recruitment of long-term agents of influence, the Russell Sage maintains a network of leading operatives in every major university in the United States in Western Europe as the result of this program. Among the notable individuals [created as Russell Sage projects were]:

"Charles Hamilton, sponsor of Stokely Carmichael's Black Power project; ... Daniel Bell, [author of The Coming of Post-Industrial Society]; Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock; Kenneth Boulding, the leading zero-growth convergence theory planner; University of Chicago military affairs expert in psychological warfare Morris Janowitz; top brainwasher Edward Shils; Columbia University counterinsurgency warfare planner Amitai Etzioni; LEAA founder James Vorenburg; Institute for Policy Studies terrorist controller and labor counterinsurgency expert Paul Jacobs; and the leading European-based linguistic brainwasher and left countergang controller, Alvin Gouldner of Theory and Society."

The Russell Sage Foundation identifies the 29 "Roundtable" members as:

Henry Aaron, Brookings Institution;
George Akerlof, University of California at Berkeley;
Linda Babcock, Carnegie Mellon University;
Nicholas C. Barberis, Yale University;
Marianne Bertrand, University of Chicago;
Roland J. M. Benabou, Princeton University;
Colin Camerer, California Institute of Technology;
Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Jon Elster, Columbia University;
Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich;
Robert H. Frank, Cornell University;
Christine Jolls, Harvard University;
Daniel Kahneman, Princeton University;
David Laibson, Harvard University;
George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University;
Brigitte Madrian, University of Pennsylvania;
Sendhil Mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Edward D. O'Donoghue, Cornell University;
Terrance Odean, University of California at Berkeley;
Drazen Prelec, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Matthew Rabin, University of California, Berkeley;
Thomas Schelling, University of Maryland;
Eldar Shafir, Princeton University;
Robert Shiller, Yale University;
Cass Sunstein, University of Chicago (designated by Obama to be U.S. Regulatory Czar)
Richard Thaler, University of Chicago;
Jean Tirole, Universite des Sciences Sociales at Toulouse;
Richard Zechhauser, Harvard University;
and until, his death, Amos Tversky (Israeli co-founder with Kahneman), Stanford University.

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