It’s no secret that our nation’s infrastructure is not only a crumbling decrepit mess, it’s also incredibly vulnerable to cyber attacks from foreign nations and terrorist groups. Moreover, this potential to inflict mass casualties on a shoe string budget is not lost on our government’s enemies. Should our nation ever go to war with countries like Russia, China, or Iran, they will be able to completely destroy our society without lifting a finger.
The fact that the feds refused to inform the public is the least disconcerting aspect of this incident. The breach occurred alongside several cyber attacks against the financial community, which altogether were in response to our government’s attack against their power plants with the Stuxnet virus. So not only has our government failed to secure the infrastructure that we depend on, they provoked the attacks against it.
Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger .