
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.

12 de marzo de 2018

Truth and Lies of the Syrian Conflict

Conversations with Eva Bartlett, Tom Duggan and Patrick Henningsen. Global Research News Hour episode 212

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“If it isn’t already clear, UNICEF is participating in war propaganda against Syria, reporting and endorsing one very exaggerated and not substantiated side of the story, disappearing another very real side.”
– Eva Bartlett [1]
The Syrian crisis is once again making headlines. In particular, humanitarian agencies like UNICEF, AVAAZ, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are blaming Syrian and Russian airstrikes for civilian deaths in East Ghoutta while completely ignoring the carnage meted out by rebel factions in the area.
While such respected agencies, as well as supposedly independent media outlets like Democracy Nowmay fall short of actually endorsing war, the distorted coverage and one-sided humanitarian narratives they relay play into the hands of the military interventionists.
This week’s installment of the Global Research News Hour returns its gaze to Syria and attempts to provide a fuller picture of what’s happening on the ground and why.
First up is Eva Bartlett. She has visited Syria frequently over the last several years, interviewing numerous people in all parts of Syria. She can attest to the important stories that are being deliberately weeded out of the corporate press. In her conversation with the Global Research News Hour (transcribed below) she details missing reporting about terrorist activities in the country. She also corrects the record on the meme of her being on Russia’s payroll, while disclosing areas where the objectivity of UN and other humanitarian agencies are compromised.
We next hear from Damascus-based journalist Tom Duggan. He speaks about the shelling of schools, hospitals and other non-military targets by militants in East Ghouta and the suffering that has resulted. He also elaborates on the way Western sanctions against Syria have contributed to the humanitarian disaster in the city.
Finally, Patrick Henningsen returns to the program. The geopolitical analyst has been to Syria in the last year. He addresses the actual reasons for U.S. interest in the overthrow and undermining of President Assad. He also gets into Washington’s ‘Plan B’ for Syria and interprets Turkish operations in Afrin, Israeli involvement near Damascus, and Kurdish activity within the north of Syria within that context.
Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist and activist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Palestine. She is a recipient of the International Journalism Award for International Reporting, Mexican Press Club, 2017. She blogs atingaza.wordpress.com
Tom Duggan is a British journalist who has been based in Damascus since 2013. He uploads his on the ground reports on his facebook page and his youtube channel.
Patrick Henningsen is a writer, global affairs analyst and the founder of 21stcenturywire.com. He appears as a regular guest commentator on RT News International and is host of the SUNDAY WIREweekly radio show broadcast. His work has appeared in a number of international publications including The Guardian, UK Column, Consortium News and also on channels like Al Jazeera English, ITN, Edge Media (SKY 200 UK) and US syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM.
Transcript- Eva Bartlett Interview, March 6, 2018
Global Research: The portrait of Syria we see in the mainstream, and even a lot of alternative media, is very much at odds with the realities we’ve seen presented on this program over the last couple of years. The conflict continues to be presented as a civil war in which the Assad regime is brutalizing the population and using chemical weapons against them while somehow managing to prevail in internationally monitored elections.
To help understand the success with which western anti-Assad powers has waged this campaign against Syria, the Global Research News Hour got hold of Eva Bartlett. Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist and activist. She spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Palestine.
She’s a recipient of the international journalism reward for international reporting from the Mexican Press Club in 2017. Bartlett maintains that the major press have based their assertions about the Syrian conflict on unreliable and partisan sources.
Eva Bartlett: There was a series of activists, including American Bilul Abdul Kareem, who pretends to be a neutral and independent journalist and is solely embedded in terrorist-held areas including Al Qaeda, who has met the Saudi terrorist Abdullah Muhaysini., and who basically praises their tactics including suicide bombings; so media has presented people like himself, and others in Aleppo that were in terrorist-held areas like the child Bana al-Abed .
The media was presenting them as neutral, independent voices depicting what was happening on the ground in Aleppo, and as I’ve made a point of mentioning it many, many times already in interviews and writings, the media did not mention the 1.5 million people in greater Aleppo, nor the over 4000 doctors in greater Aleppo, nor the fact that hospitals in greater Aleppo were being attacked by..and um.. people were being killed and injured in these attacks by terrorist factions in Aleppo’s east.
So, even in the lead-up in 2016, Aleppo was one of the most propagandized cities in Syria.
Global Research: A recurring theme presented by the press and human rights organizations was the spectre of the Syrian government withdrawing food and medical aid from the suffering citizens in east Aleppo and the town of Madaya. Bartlett, to return to Madaya last summer, claims that it was the rebel factions in control and not the Syrian government, that was responsible for depriving the citizens of these supplies.
Eva Bartlett: When I went there in June in 2017, civilians there told me, just like in East Aleppo, and just like I’m positive we’re going to be hearing of Eastern Ghouta when it’s finally liberated, there was food that entered, the Syrian government allowed food, it sent food in, and it also allowed aid agencies to send food in. But we didn’t have – “we” this is the civilians, this is them, me paraphrasing them, did not have access to the food because the terrorist factions, the militants, they took food, and if they sold it to us, they sold it at prices we could not afford.
And when I went to Madaya, I saw above a bomb factory the terrorists were using to manufacture mortars and missiles to fire on the Syrian army and on any civilians below them, because this was in a hillside town, um, above that factory was a storage room which, one, at least one storage room, where they had kept the food and aid supplies that came in to Madaya.
And there was media, there was Russian media, Murad Gazdiev with RT, and of course Syrian journalists who our media completely dismisses, who went to Madaya in 2016 and who saw and took photos and video of food aid entering Madaya and who spoke with civilians who were protesting the presence of these terrorists stealing their food, but western media completely dismissed them and ran with this narrative that the Syrian government was starving Madaya.
And they said the same thing occurred in Aleppo, and when journalists finally went there…Syrians, independent journalists, Russian media, unfortunately the only western media that I’m aware of that actually deigned to tell the truth was surprisingly Reuters, and they have a clip interviewing civilians saying the terrorists stole our food. And they show storage of food boxes.
Just yesterday, I believe it was, Ruptly which is affiliated with RT, reported on food aid going into Al Ghouta and even ICRC, the Red Cross spokesman said food aid has been sent in, but in April 2016, when all the media and reporters were relying on Medecins sans frontieres (Doctors without borders)MSF, said that the Syrians or the Russians had deliberately targeted and destroyed and reduced to rubble a hospital named Al Quds in the Sukari district of west Aleppo, and this was used to again vilify the Syrians and the Russians and to call for Intervention or a no-fly zone.
That hospital was not destroyed. I saw it with my own eyes, and before I saw it, months before I saw it in June 2017, a Syrian doctor I know saw it, and a French man named Pierre LaCourt saw it and documented it. So, there’s no way that it was destroyed and rebuilt. It was never destroyed but in that instance MSF relied on whatever nefarious Al Qaeda or whatever linked source that fed MSF this information, and I suspect the WHO has relied on this information as well.
And the United Nations is, in my opinion, deliberately participating in war propaganda. Because I recently wrote an article after I came across this statement issued on February 20th, and it was issued by UNICEF’s Regional Director of Middle East and North Africa, and the statement was one of outrage, and it was called the war on Syria, on children in Syria: reports of mass casualties amongst children in Eastern Ghouta and Damascus.
So that statement was essentially just blank lines and some words… no words could do justice to the children killed. Now, it did mention Damascus at the end, but obviously the implication was Eastern Ghouta because that statement then recycled in all the different Western media corporate outlets that were citing claims of 400,000 civilians trapped in Ghouta being espoused by the Syrian government.
None of these outlets first of all can cite, can provide sources for the number. Where did they get this 400000? It could be the case, or it could be inflated, as was the case in East Aleppo where even the United Nations said 250 to 300 thousand civilians trapped in East Aleppo, and it was half that number — if not less than half that number when we finally had access to East Aleppo.
So that’s question 1: where do you get this definitive statement of 400,000 civilians but moreover why corporate media, and this is a completely rhetorical question because I know, why are you not mentioning the presence of Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Rahman, al-Qaeda, and other terrorist factions in Eastern Ghouta?
And why are you not mentioning that some civilians have actually been able to flee, escaped at their own peril, being attacked with these terrorist factions bombing humanitarian quarters…as two children recently escaped from Eastern Ghouta…
Global Research: you should be able to have… easily access to those who make it to Damascus, you know?
Eva Bartlett: Well, the Syrians and the Russians, they have opened just like they did in Aleppo, they’ve opened humanitarian quarters and it’s the terrorist factions within who are not allowing civilians to leave. And since you asked for my own personal example: before Aleppo was liberated I met a father and a man and a woman who had numerous children who had tried a couple of times to escape their area of Aleppo, and they had been prevented by the terrorist factions and finally they and forty others one night while there was clashes between the terrorists and the Syrian Army, they were able to escape.
And then, later on, there’s a lot more documentation of people trying to flee and being prevented by these terrorist factions, and that is what’s happening in Ghouta. Also in Aleppo, in November when I was in Aleppo on one of the humanitarian quarters the Castello Road, it was shelled twice while I was standing there on the road and five more times after security had told me and the others that were there to leave. So this is… and it wasn’t the first time it happened. The week before, it was heavy shelling on various humanitarian quarters.
The media is portraying the Syrian government is showing no will whatsoever to guarantee the safety of civilians, and that’s completely not true. The Syrian government and Russians and all the Allies are working to ensure the most peaceful solution possible.
Global Research: And there’s one particular anecdote in particular I’d like you to bring up. There was a child who became somewhat iconic: Omran Daqneesh. You had a chance to talk to his father.
Eva Bartlett: Well, so, the official narrative coming out of corporate media was that Omran Daqneesh was the face of suffering, Syrian suffering, he was the poster child of suffering, and terrorist groups even used him for their cause, for their propaganda cause, and the story was that he was injured, perhaps gravely injured, and sat in this ambulance bleeding and looking terrified, and that he was injured in the Russian or Syrian airstrike.
But Mr.Daqneesh said there were no planes flying, there was no air strike, his son was not gravely injured, he was mildly injured, and he was himself was mildly injured.
There was some sort of explosion. It’s believed that it was one of the terrorist factions that fired some sort of explosives in their area, and that while he was rounding up members of the family in the dark to put them all together in one place, his boy Omran was snatched by someone and eventually ended up put in the ambulance by white helmets and photographed.
And so, if we’re to believe that these white helmets–so-called Syrian Civil Defense known more aptly as Al qaeda’s Rescuers–if we’re to believe that they had the well-being of Omran Daqneesh in mind, why did they sit him in an ambulance and not give him any medical care while they photographed him.
And, by the way, the man whose photo of Omran Daqneesh went viral, that man’s name was Mahmoud Raslan, and he has ties to, seems to be friends with Nour al-Din al-Zenki, who in summer of 2016 beheaded a Palestinian child, Abdullah Issa. And when Mahmoud Raslan was interviewed by western corporate media, he said he cried for children like Omran. And it’s supremely hypocritical because he took a grinning selfie with the child beheaders of Nour al-Din al-Zenki.
So in any case Omran Daqneesh’s father said his son had been exploited by the media, and he said they traded in our blood. And you know, I’m not, I won’t be surprised when similar stories come out of Ghouta when we find out the truth about certain stories were hearing about Ghouta.
Global Research: I think the public is generally primed to distrust certain narratives coming from the President Trump, or President Bush, or Obama, or even Prime Minister Trudeau. And, of course, they might be suspicious of the CNN, Washington Post, or Norwegian journalists from certain corporate outlets, but they’re not as inclined to be critical of Amnesty International, or the United Nations, or Democracy Now, so I’m wondering what you could possibly say, especially as somebody who’s been criticized for being conflicted, you know working for the Russians and such, what could you say to listeners that would shake their confidence in those entities? How are they compromised in terms of their ability to give us the straight goods on Syria?
Eva Bartlett: I would highly recommend that listeners look up the writings and interviews of Professor Francis Boyle, professor of international law. I myself interviewed him a month or two ago, and he himself was on the board, I might get this wrong, of MCUSA I believe it was, and in the lead-up to the first Iraq war, he was warning them not to publish this report based on what we now know is the fake incubator baby story issued by the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador who made up this ridiculous story of incubated babies being taken out of their incubators.
Professor Boyle said to Amnesty, I’m paraphrasing, that the report was seriously flawed, that he did not believe its accuracy, and that it would lead to the loss of lives and it would fuel the Western desire to go to war. And it did.
And Amnesty refused to listen to him, and I’ve read other accounts of Amnesty essentially shilling for war. When you look at the makeup of Amnesty, at one point, I don’t know if she’s still affiliated with Amnesty, but Suzanne Nossel, I might be wrong about this, but I think she was affiliated with the US state department.
I do have on my blog a page, it needs updating, but it was devoted to the different humanitarian actors or fake human rights groups that essentially shill for war. And Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and a number of others like of Avaaz which is an online campaign that often does petitions, and often, their petitions have to do with calling for no fly zones in places like Syria. These are effectively serving as a human face for intervention in the country that’s being warred upon. I mean, I can send you that link, that might be the most, the easiest thing.
But it is, for example, the leader, the head of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Ross, has knowingly put out photos and videos of other places and purported they were Aleppo. And he took one video from Eastern Gaza, from a district called Shujaiya, and he said this is Aleppo under Assad’s bombs. And, for somebody who is the head of Human Rights Watch to put out a video with that statement… that is not… if that is just simple negligence, then that shows how much credit we should give any reports coming from that body, but I think it’s more than negligence. I’m positive that it was intentional. He’s done that since.
What I wanted to say though, with regards to the UN, this statement of outrage that I mentioned, it did not, I looked for other statements of outrage perhaps pertaining to the terrorist shelling of Damascus, which is happening on a daily basis, and you have tens of people being killed over the last many weeks, and they’re targeting, like, just yesterday or the day before, they targeted a hospital and injured a number of people.
They’re targeting civilians in densely inhabited areas, like in the old city of Damascus, and I have yet to come across any sort of outrage by the United Nations on this on this deliberate targeting of the civilians, nor have they issued any sort of statement of outrage that I have found about Turkey’s bombing, illegal bombing, of Syria and the area of Afrin in the Northwest, nor have they issued any sort of outrage that I could find of the illegal U.S.-led Coalition bombing of civilians, infrastructure, and killing of thousands of civilians in Syria and the massive destruction of the areas of Syrian infrastructure.
So, the last point I just want to make about the UN is that they are serial censors of Syrian voices, particularly Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Ja’afari. He routinely has his mic cut or is not allowed to speak, unless he really forces them to allow him to speak, or he is assigned translators who, for example, some weeks ago when he mentioned 1,000 shells on Damascus, the translator in question translated that to 20 shells, and that’s a significant difference.
Global Research: The heads of the UNICEF … there is a former head, Anthony Lake, who had, who is a former National Security adviser in the Clinton Administration. That speaks to conflicts that’s not coming through, I mean, people are accusing you of being a Russian agent or Assad apologist, but, here you have some real conflicts that there’s no full disclosure about. Do you have a comment that you’d like to introduce in that regard?
Eva Bartlett: I do. First of all I just want to address the whole Russian agent notion. So, if listeners go to rt.com/op-ed/authors, you’ll find me. I’m an author in their opinion section, so it’s not a blog as certain outlets like channel 4 news or Snopes have insisted. It’s simply an opinion section to which there are, last time I checked, 30 contributors. My contribution, my last one, was on Palestine, on Palestinian political prisoners, and it was in December. So it’s not like I’m a regular contributor, or even if I were, there’s nothing wrong with that.
But I also contribute to Mint Press News, which has no affiliation with Russia whatsoever, and, as I made a point in a recent panel in Derry, Northern Ireland, I said RT does not censor me. I’m allowed to write what I see, what I feel, what I think, and if I tried to do this for CBC, or if the Guardian deigned to publish me, which I would not write for at this point in my life, but if I tried to, I guarantee they would change my wording, they would slash my articles, they would not represent the full of what I wanted to say. So, I’m actually very honored to write for RT, but that I also contribute to Mint Press, to SOTT.Net, and a variety of other sites that pay a pittance, to be honest, and I also contribute periodically to Global Research.
But, more importantly, back to UNICEF. So, when I was writing this article that was published in Mint Press over the UN’s fake outrage and not even mentioning the illegal Saudi war in Yemen, no outrage for Yemenis, I was curious, I came across an article, I forget the name of the author, but it’s on Telusur, the website Telusur, and it outlines how Anthony Lake, as you mentioned, was National Security advisor to President Clinton, and at one point was elected to be director of the CIA.
According to this particular article on Telusur, it said Lake played a significant role in mass starvation in Somalia 2010-12 by under-budgeting food aid, budgeting 10 cents a day per person to feed a million internally displaced persons, and that Lake publicly admitted he knew about, and did nothing to prevent, the genocide in Rwanda, something he “regretted.”
So that’s a scary admission, if the head of UNICEF, the body that’s supposed to have the welfare, the well-being, of civilians in conflict zones in mind, and he knowingly under-budgeted their food aid knowing, just like the Israelis do, knowing that this will not be enough for the recipients to exist on. That’s very telling about that particular branch of the UN.
But then, you have when I was writing about Madaya in 2016, I looked at another body of United Nations, the OCHA, the Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, and when the Madaya media buzz was going on, OCHA was almost exclusively tweeting about terrorist-occupied areas of Zabadani and Madaya, and they weren’t mentioning the terrorists.
They were just putting forth the same rhetoric about the Syrian government starving people in Madaya, and as I pointed out in an article I wrote it that time, they mentioned only passingly the two villages of Foua and Kafraya, which are to this day besieged and to this day being bombed and starved, and they merit no outrage whatsoever for OCHA or for the UN, and OCHA can barely bring themselves to tweet about Foua and Kafraya.
Even though these two villages have been under siege, full siege, from March 2015 and partial siege years prior by terrorist factions, and fully surrounded and being sniped and bombed on a daily basis, the UN did not, and we know why, why the UN did not find these villages worthy of merit, of mentioning, it’s because it doesn’t fit this neatly packaged humanitarian intervention agenda propaganda.
So where, anywhere that terrorists are occupying, the UN, sorry, the United Nations, these human rights groups, the corporate media, Democracy Now, they will conveniently omit the presence of the terrorists, they will conveniently omit the fact that the terrorist factions in these areas are firing upon civilians in the areas outside of the besieged area, they will omit the fact that terrorists are hoarding the food and medical aid that come in, and any effort the Syrian government and Russian allies are making towards providing a peaceful resolution in these areas.
Global Research: You just heard a conversation with the award-winning Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett. Her articles on Syria and Palestine can be found on the site ingaza.wordpress.com.
Transcript- Tom Duggan Interview,March 7, 2018
Global Research: Tom Duggan is a British journalist who has resided in Damascus since 2013. Mr. Duggan has been intensely critical of the one-sided Western coverage of the Syrian conflict. What follows in an excerpt of a conversation the Global Research News Hour had with him on Wednesday March 7th. He relates the carnage enacted on Damascus hospitals and schools from the East Ghoutta-based rebels. He spoke of the attacks on humanitarian corridors by the rebels, and of the damage from the sanctions imposed on the country. We apologize in advance for the poor quality of the recording.
Tom Duggan: East Ghoutta over a period of the last 7 years has shelled Damascus repeatedly, to a cost of 1500 children killed so far, over the last 7 year(s). Thirty two thousand people are maimed, loss of limbs. And around about 25,000 killed (inaudible) approximately. So, the Syrian government turned its attention, offered the East Ghoutta people amnesty to surrender or take them to Idlib, and they immediately started shelling Damascus. In the first day, the first month there was over a thousand shells rather in Damascus. Yesterday there was 270 plus shells blasting Damascus. And I spent yesterday watching doctors put a young girl’s – a 17-year old girl’s brains back inside her skull, and she died late in the last hour. And that’s the reality.
GR: I understand there had been a ceasefire, at least between 9 and 2 in the afternoon?
TD: Ceasefire on between the UN that was brokered by the Russians and the Syrian army with the terrorists, and that ceasefire lasts from nine o’clock in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon. What happened yesterday is that terrorists shelled Damascus at eleven o’clock. They attacked the schools in Damascus (inaudible). And then they attacked Jeremana.
GR: They talk about people in cages…the militants are putting people in cages and using them as armed – as human shields. Can you comment on that?
TD: They did that two year(s) ago in Jobar. The same group that’s in East Ghoutta is from Jobar. They put Allawine, Christian, and other ethnic groups that (inaudible) in cages and put them on the rooftops and on the streets, so that the Syrian government wouldn’t fire on them.
I watched a child die yesterday! I was standing there watching them put her brains back in her head! And it’s not a pleasant site. I watched a policeman come in with a hole in his leg! I’ve seen women who didn’t know her daughter had died. And she was given (inaudible) All she wanted to know is if her daughter was okay and they couldn’t tell her anything because she had a big hole in her back.
They target schools! They target hospitals! When I was in Aleppo, we discovered the headquarters of every terrorist group was in a school! They surround themselves with human shields which are children!
It’s not ethical! Nobody wants to report what happened in Damascus. Nobody wants to report what happened in Aleppo. It’s all one-sided! I’m sitting here. I can tell you now I’ve seen people blown up in front of me! And nobody reported it. I’ve seen a car bomb go off, 19 soldiers were killed. That wasn’t reported. I’ve seen children in the streets lose their legs, and it’s not reported!
GR: Could you comment on how the sanctions have added to the crisis that you’re facing now?
TD: Sanctions are killing kids. I lost a child called Jules not long ago. He had what you’d call water on the brain, which is hydrocephalus. Not (inaudible) sexual disease but hydrocephalus, which is water on the brain. They couldn’t get the equipment in for the operation to be performed in Syria. He had to have a stint which the tube that runs up the (inaudible) into his brains to drain it off. The stint didn’t work. The child died within 17 days. We had him scheduled for a hospital in Malaysia to do the operation… aged four, and he came down with chicken pox because his immune system was so low, and he died. And there was nothing we could do about it. Absolutely nothing.
They, in Aleppo, they machine-gunned all the extra equipment before they left. They left all the medical equipment out in the streets, all the medicines in the sun. They devastated on the the medicines and bandages, in other words urinated on them so they couldn’t be used. You can’t get spare parts in for scanners, you can’t get spare parts in for X-Ray machines so they’re cannibalizing all the equipment that’s broken to keep the equipment running.
GR: I was just wondering because we’re running near the end of our time. Do you have any urgent messages that you wish to convey to our listeners before we close?
TD: Yeah! Yeah. Stop supporting sanctions, do your best you can to stop sanctions so we can get medical supplies and medical equipment. Stop listening to the mainstream media and start reading the facts. Start understanding who the White Helmets are. Start understanding that Al-Nusra is previous to Al-Qaeda. And Al Qaeda kills people in Bali, Australia. Killed people in Paris. Killed people in London. And also they killed people in New York. The Twin Towers was an Al-Qaeda attack. So how can the West support an organization that is attacking them, attacking Syria, and helping them to attack Syria, when Syria has never attacked the U.S., never attacked the U.K., never attacked Paris. That’s my message. You’re supporting the wrong people!
GR: Tom Duggan is a British journalist based in Damascus, His reports can be seen on the ‘Tom Duggan’ facebook page and Youtube channel.
The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at globalresearch.ca . 
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  1. https://www.globalresearch.ca/un-feigns-outrage-over-ghouta-while-terrorist-rockets-rain-down-on-damascus/5630378

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