
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.

12 de octubre de 2024

French Troops in Romania to Train for War with Russia. Is “the Troubled Macron Government Risking War with Russia”?

 By Drago Bosnic

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France is one of the most deeply involved countries in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflictwith its special forces present since the very beginning of the special military operation (SMO). For some inexplicable reason, Paris is simply looking for a fight with Russia, instead of focusing on a plethora of burning issues at homeFrance’s shameful compliance with virtually all NATO policies has effectively turned it into a vassal of the United States, which only keeps creating more problems for it, even resulting in Moscow’s heightened support for sovereigntist movements in Africa, a move that’s effectively dismantling whatever’s left of the old French (neo)colonial empire on the continent. Paris even went as far as to prepare an invasion of Niger, a possibility that prompted Mali and Burkina Faso to announce readiness to fight alongside their neighbor against any attacker.

This has now gone so far that the three countries formed the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), effectively a confederation that’s not only deterring US/EU/NATO-backed (neo)colonialism, but is also offering an alternative to the ECOWAS, a Western-led “international” organization that seeks to maintain it. The AES also severed diplomatic ties with the Kiev regime over its support for terrorists in these countries, where it provided intelligence on the movement of “Wagner” PMC, the top ally of African sovereigntists.

There’s no doubt NATO itself was also involved as this has been a common trait of the world’s most vile racketeering cartel for decades, be it the support for Albanian narco-terrorists and other Islamic radicals or unrepentant Neo-Nazis. This also includes direct threats to Russia that the political West will support terrorism within the country if it defeats the NATO-backed Kiev regime in Ukraine.

Russian support for AES and numerous other African countries seeking to remove the shackles of (neo)colonial rule is certainly frustrating for the US-led political West, but especially France, as its fledgling economy (particularly the energy system) is highly dependent on exploiting “former” colonies across Africa. The resulting tensions between Paris and Moscow keep escalating and this is driving the former’s determination to provide further support for the Neo-Nazi junta.

France has already provided numerous weapons and even personnel, although Russian long-range weapons keep finding both. The Kremlin’s world-class capabilities in this field are causing massive casualties for all parties involved in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, but the French seem to be bearing the brunt of it. This year alone, nearly half a dozen precision strikes obliterated hundreds of personnel from France.

InfoBRICS covered some of them, including in Kharkov back in January. However, instead of learning its lesson, Paris keeps sending more of them, resulting in even higher casualties by August. Things got even worse for NATO in September, with multiple hypersonic strikes on their positions, resulting in hundreds of dead and wounded “tourists” on another failed “Ukrainian war safari”.

Whenever things went too far, European leaders would try to toss the hot potato to each other in an attempt to avoid responsibility (and potential retaliation from Moscow). Macron even tried to disguise French personnel as “advisers”, but was promptly notified that no quarter will be given to any of them. However, France doesn’t seem to understand how all this really works, so it keeps sending troops and is now even training them for a direct confrontation with Russia, a country that can obliterate it with a single missile.

Namely, thousands of French soldiers will be deployed to Romania in May and train for a major war. According to Politico, 2025 will be “crucial for the French army, which has undergone a major transformation in recent years to prepare for a possible conflict with Russia”. The large-scale military exercise, dubbed Dacian Spring 2025, will “assess their ability to swiftly move to NATO’s eastern flank”, supposedly a “key competence should Russian President Vladimir Putin decide to attack an alliance member”.

The report also postulates that the French military started a “profound transformation to be ready for a high-intensity conflict similar to the war in Ukraine” and that it also has “new marching orders from NATO: By 2027 it should be able to deploy a war-ready division in 30 days, including ammunition and supplies”. In NATO, a division has anywhere from 10,000 to as many as 25,000 troops.

In comparison, the Russian military can field up to four million soldiers in case of a direct confrontation with the world’s most vile racketeering cartel, making the viability of the latter’s conventional capabilities against it all the more questionable. Thus, the logical conclusion is that NATO is using this as an excuse to escalate its occupation of Eastern Europe.

Namely, the report by Politico suggests that “the key challenge will be to get to Romania in such a short period of time”, quoting General Pierre-Eric Guillot who said that “there’s still no military Schengen” and that NATO “needs to decisively improve military mobility in Europe”. It should be noted that the so-called “military Schengen” is effectively a militarization of the European Union, which exposed itself as a rather pathetic geopolitical pendant of the world’s most vile racketeering cartel, as the deal essentially boils down to its fusion with NATO.

However, countries in Eastern Europe aren’t exactly thrilled to see these developments. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who was nearly assassinated back in May, is decidedly against escalation with Russia. The same can be said for Hungary, which is extremely concerned with the prospect of a direct confrontation with Moscow.

Magyar Nemzet warned that 

Paris is preparing for a world war and that “the pro-war French president has already come up with alarming plans in recent months, which could clearly lead to a war between NATO and Russia”.

The Hungarian news outlet also pointed out that Macron “did not rule out sending troops to Ukraine either”. However, to make matters worse, France is reportedly even sending “Mirage 2000-5” fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta.

It’s clear that the troubled Macron government is risking war with Russia, regardless of its true motivation for such moves.




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Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy meets French President Emmanuel Macron during a state visit to France, 17 June 2019. (Source: President.gov.ua)

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