
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.

14 de octubre de 2024

Middle Eastern and Global Crises: Who Are the Perpetrators?

 Interview of Peter Koenig and Danile Estulin

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This is a loose transcript of the interview of Daniel Estulin and Peter Koenig.

Daniel Estulin (DE): What are your overall views on the Middle East Crisis?

Peter Koenig (PK): Let me start with a quote from the great late spiritual philosopher and teacher, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar:

“No movement in this universe is possible without encountering opposition. Wherever there is movement, there is opposition also. The result of struggle against this opposition is called progress.

The more one desires to proceed vigorously to the goal, the more one is to struggle against the opposition. Thus, those who are averse to struggle can never progress. They lag behind, not to speak of progress.

That’s why struggle is the essence of life. Those who abhor struggle, who misconstrue struggle as violence, have no place in this world.”

We both, Daniel – and thanks God many more and ever-more – are of the struggling kind.

If I may, as a prelude to the overall question and before going specifically to the Middle East and the ongoing killer-agenda, please allow me to make some reflections.

It goes into the direction of – who runs the world?

When we know that, it may be easier to assess the Middle East and the rest of the world.

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What I see is the UN Pact for the World of the Future, ratified by non-objection (NOT by vote) on 22 September 2024. All 193 member countries nodded. Again, not by vote, but on a non-objection basis. That is why it is a Pact. Some say it is not really legally binding. But somewhat binding nevertheless, if it is a Pact. Agreements under a Pact are to be respected.

That all 193 UN members, including Russia and China, have gone along with this Pact, without objection, raises a Big Red Flag in my mind.

Are they all committed to the Globalist Agenda? The UN Agenda 2030? The WEF’s Great Reset? 

And their game of adversaries of East against West is just a game?

A wanted deception of the People?

Looks like the thousands of years old axiom of divide to reign and conquer is alive and well in the 21st century. 

In which case, so would be the atrocious killing in the Middle East, and in Ukraine and Russia – and all the conflicts and wars in the world – currently some 20 to 25. Just a game, mad games, killing games – allowed to happen by those pretending to run the world, and it is not Washington, Moscow, or Beijing.

Killing conflicts as a game to divide the people.

All the industrialists and big corporations – especially the Tech Corporations, Big Finance, Big Pharma, and of course, the Military / War Industrial Complex and others — have already signed up for Agenda 2030 / The WEF’s Great Reset and the WEF’s 4th Industrial Revolution, an all-digitized slave land or Gulag.

A digitized world – with full electronic money control – where “In 2030 – you own nothing but will be happy”, you might add because if you have survived so far, the Plandemics, mandated Vaxxing, and Climate Change fraud, you have become a trans-human, a robotized “human”.

Because number one objective, or wish, of the Globalist diabolical Cult, is massive population reduction.


By the poisonous vaxxes mandated first after the fake Covid plandemic.

Second, by 5G, with the tens of thousands of Elon Musk’s low flying satellites beaming at the earthly 5G antennas spanning literally the entire globe, having transformed your graphite-charged bloodstream and brain to be remote-controlled.

Third, by famine, drought, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, all caused by geoengineered weaponized weather and climate, falsely presented as man- and industry-made climate change.

All that while, We the People, are sleeping or betting for the BRICS, for Russia and China, to help and save us, or while, alternatively, we are stampeding with the US hegemon to conquer the world. Two different camps, one against the other – divided into a multitude of smaller little camps, called pluralism, fighting, or arguing with each other, deviating from seeing the Big Picture.

This small elite that pretends to control 8 billion people has already agreed that the WHO will be the GESTAPO of the new fascist world under the UN Pact for a New World, the WEF will be the policy gnome, and the UN political body will be the new One World Government.

And behind them all with funding no end, is this huge invisible evil Cult with seemingly mega-power – Big-Big Finance, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and, yes, not least, Big War / Military Industrial Complex. They have the media on their side. They largely act as private entities not answerable to any state, but calling governments to do their bidding, or else…

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The introduction of a one-world digital, all-controlling currency would then be just a matter of time. A digital currency that could be withheld, blocked, canceled in full or partially, would be the endgame of full-enslavement.

But let us pause here – although they may aim at this horrendous future, they will not reach it. Life is not linear, thus not digital, but dynamic. Therefore, an all-digital system will eventually self-destruct.

For me – it is a hard shock, and not easy to believe, that all 193 UN member countries are in cahoots. But when I saw the non-objection to the UN Pact, no matter how much it had been watered-down (once its approved, you can always strengthen it, little by little, – the salami tactic in reverse – to bring it back to the original level, with non, or little consultation of the member countries) – when I saw this Pact waved through, this tremendous Red Flag popped up.

DE: Who are the key players for the current Zionist-Israel led war against Palestine and now Lebanon?

PK: They are the same as those behind the Ukraine-Russia War.

Again, Washington and its European vassal Union (or rather non-union), are just following orders, ruining their economies, committing socioeconomic suicide by depleting their budgets and monetary reserves, sending billions and billions in cash, loans, or weaponry to Ukraine and Israel, to fight futile criminal killer-wars – no end. And killing and killing – destroying families, motherhoods, and fatherhoods – and infrastructure galore.

Those who mandate the killing know it is futile and it is a crime against humanity.

But these fake leaders (sic) execute the orders in Washington and Brussels and Frankfurt, knowing too that these wars are futile. And the same fake leaders hope to get a seat at the table of the Last Supper – and save their skin.

But they will not.

What the inhuman globalists cannot see, is that their digital revolution that is supposed to conquer the world, is not going to work, because, again, life is not linear but dynamic. Everything digital, including artificial intelligence (AI) is LINEAR.

There is our chance.

We unite spiritually – and evoke non-linear dynamism – and what is behind this unseen spiritual force of change is quantum physics. The power of quantum science is unbeatable by the elite, no matter how rich and digitally powerful they think they are.

But we, the People, or a large majority of us, must be prepared.

We must think on a different level, not as partisans for the one or the other, nor with hate and despise, but with love and light.
We can do it.

Together we can.

DE: The big picture: will Israel survive – and if so, how and where?

PK: Given the forces at play – and the run for a One World Order and Government – it is irrelevant whether Israel survives. At present Israel is committing suicide. A slow suicide.

Israel is taking a huge economic beating. Official Israel and western mainstream media do not admit it, but Israelis in the street know it – and clearly say, they have no trust in the future of their country, Israel.

Western mainstream, of course, also obscures these people’s reality.

The logical question is: Those who are behind this – and other wars – they must know it. So, the downfall of Israel is planned. It is part of the unwritten globalist pact – to eliminate the Zionists dream to create a “Greater Israel” for the Chosen People – for themselves.

The Ashkenazi Zionists’ dream of a Greater Israel, with the world at their feet, does not fit into the agenda of the tiny elite – the evil Cult – pretending to run the entire world.

Independent of a potentially deliberate effort to do away with Israel, when dynamics and quantum physics will take over – Israel will be gone; Palestine returns to be Palestine – the historic sovereign Palestine.

Jews and Israelis may peacefully live together with Palestinians, as they have for centuries before the onset of the belligerent, Zionist-Israeli violent domineering of entire Palestine.

This cannot happen if justice – a human justice of light and human rights – is to prevail.

And human justice will prevail – it is the nature of Mother Earth’s system of justice.

DE: How are the Ukraine crisis and the Middle East war connected?

PK: In short, because the same diabolical Cult drives them.

With wars and the constant threat of the war and conflicts running out of control and becoming nuclear – the end of the world – creates fear; and fear is their strongest weapon to control the people.

Fearful people are submissive, and will go along with orders.

Fear of the people is food and energy for the diabolical Cult. They need the people’s fear to thrive on it.

The ruling elite does not want a nuclear conflict – it could hit them too.

Because they see the risk, some of them, especially Tech czars – built already their deep luxury bunkers, many of them in New Zealand, considered safe, yet civilized – and far away from everything.

But there is weapon much stronger, more reliable than a nuclear bon. It is called Weather and climate engineering, creating hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons — floods, droughts, famine, diseases – and more. Plus, these weather phenomena are called “climate change”. And until the bulk of the people catch on to this lie of biblical proportions, they continue with the scam.

Wars are also good for population reduction. Let us not forget, those powers behind the UN, the WEF and WHO, are all eugenists. They are the inventors and the engines of the Club of Rome, the official initiator with their 1972 “Limits to Growth” report – and later with the “First Global Revolution” (1991) – are also behind the fake Climate Change agenda which has been indoctrinated on three generations – so, you tell most people the truth about “climate change”, they won’t believe you, to the contrary they despise you, because you dare attempting breaking down their lie-based believes.


In Conclusion

We – a few of us – have been lucky, having had the opportunity to travel the world, meet with so-called officials, and especially with the people of all kinds of cultures and creeds, see the world through the kaleidoscope and variety of people’s eyes, from the inside of the UN system, and otherwise worldly organizations pretending to be on top of the universe.

I am forever thankful for having been given this opportunity. It was and still is a tremendous eye-opener.

It brings with it a moral obligation and commitment – namely that we share this eye-opening experience, with other people, as many as we can reach – as we all share the license to live on this beautiful planet equally – in the hope to bring more people along into a different, non-belligerent, but peaceful thinking – and hopefully help opening the way, leading the world into a dynamism of Peace and Light.


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Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War 

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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