
Hoy es el día más hermoso de nuestra vida, querido Sancho; los obstáculos más grandes, nuestras propias indecisiones; nuestro enemigo más fuerte, el miedo al poderoso y a nosotros mismos; la cosa más fácil, equivocarnos; la más destructiva, la mentira y el egoísmo; la peor derrota, el desaliento; los defectos más peligrosos, la soberbia y el rencor; las sensaciones más gratas, la buena conciencia, el esfuerzo para ser mejores sin ser perfectos, y sobretodo, la disposición para hacer el bien y combatir la injusticia dondequiera que esté.

Don Quijote de la Mancha.
La Colmena no se hace responsable ni se solidariza con las opiniones o conceptos emitidos por los autores de los artículos.

14 de octubre de 2010

Proyecto: Estimating Available Uranium Resources in Venezuela

Responsible Programme Management Officer

Name: Mr. Alain Cardoso Cabezon
E-mail: A.J.Cardoso@iaea.org

Alain Jorge Cardoso Cabezon, TCLA 2 Section Head

Alain Jorge Cardoso Cabezon

From: Spain

Email: A.Cardoso@iaea.org


Alain Cardoso, a Spanish citizen, served over 25 years in the Spanish nuclear sector. After acquiring an industrial engineering degree from Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid (Madrid Industrial Engineers College), he began his career with one of the largest nuclear engineering & service company in Spain, Tecnatom S.A., reaching after three years the level of senior simulator instructor on BWR technology, then technical advisor during two years of the Spanish regulatory Authority for the commissioning of Cofrentes NPP a BWR reactor type. He trained NPP’s crew from Spain, Mexico, Italy and Switzerland and managed various projects in NPP personnel training for operation, engineering and maintenance. He also served in various capacities, managing projects as Training Division Tools Manager, followed by his appointment as the Head of the New Technology in the company. One of the highlights of his various projects was the set-up Emergency Operating procedures in the full scope replica simulator, the development of Interactive Graphical Simulators and Advanced Software Tools to implement Tecnatom's Corporate On-Line Training via the Intranet/Extranet and the management of several TACIS and Phare projects (European Commission funded projects) for Europe from 1994 till 2000. In 2001, the IAEA recruited Alain Cardoso, based on his extensive experience and strong competencies as a Project Manager and knowledge of technical assistance to Nuclear Power Plants in Europe. He has shown extensive know-how in Project Management and Coordination of Regional Projects and has made a valuable contribution particularly to IT matters due to his unique experience. Alain is fluent in French, English and Spanish. He continues to stay actively involved in the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). Alain Cardoso is currently the Section Head of TCLA2. In his free time he enjoys sports, good food and music.

Country involvement in projects (62)

Project Number Project Title Field of Activity
National Projects (10)
VEN/0/008 Human Resource Development and Nuclear Technology Support 0A
VEN/0/009 Developing National Human Resource Skills for the Production of Electricity Using Nuclear Power 0E
VEN/0/010 Developing Human Resources and Providing Technical Support for the Application of Nuclear Technologies 0A
VEN/3/007 Estimating Available Uranium Resources 3B
VEN/6/012 Development of a National Programme for Integral Oncology Care -- Radiotherapy 6C
VEN/6/013 Development of a National Programme for Integral Oncology Care -- Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmacy 6B
VEN/6/014 Establishing a Pilot Medical Physics Service at the Type IV Oncological Hospital Luis Razetti 6F
VEN/8/018 Hydro-geological Study of the Preferred Filtration Paths of Caustic Effluents 8M
VEN/8/019 Management of Sediments throughout the Navigation Canal of the Orinoco River 8O
VEN/8/020 Development of a National Programme for the Application of Nuclear Techniques for the Integral Evaluation and Management of Water Resources 8M
Regional Projects (52)
RLA/0/030 Training for Young Professionals in Nuclear Science and Technology 0I
RLA/0/032 Strengthening the National Nuclear Sector through Strategic Planning and Results-based Management Tools 0N
RLA/0/033 Human Resources Development and Nuclear Technology Support 0A
RLA/0/035 Promotion of TCDC and Strengthening of the Regional Agreement in Order to Contribute to the TC Regional Programme for Latin America (ARCAL LXXXVII) 0P
RLA/0/037 Supporting a Sustainable Increase in the Use of Research Reactors in the Latin American and Caribbean Region through Networking, Exchange of Experiences, Knowledge Preservation and Training of Human Resources (ARCAL CXIX) 0N, 4B
RLA/0/038 Supporting the Introduction of Nuclear Energy (ARCAL XCV) 0E
RLA/0/039 Creating a Latin America Network for Collaboration and Education in Nuclear Medicine (ARCAL CXX) 0J, 0P
RLA/0/040 Building Capacity for the Development of Sustainable Energy (Phase II) 0E
RLA/0/041 Strengthening Human Resource Development and Nuclear Technology Support for the Region and Specific Countries 0A, 0N
RLA/0/042 Regional Agreement to Strengthen the Latin American Regional Programme (ARCAL XCVI) 0P
RLA/0/043 Strengthening the National Nuclear Sector and the Application of Nuclear Science and Technology for Development Through Training and Facilitation of Strategic Activities 0B
RLA/1/010 Improved Regional Management of Water Bodies that are Contaminated with Metals (ARCAL LXXXVIII) 1L
RLA/2/013 Correlation Studies between Atmospheric Deposition and Sanitary Problems in Latin America: Nuclear Analytical Techniques and the Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution (ARCAL LXXXIX) 2C
RLA/2/014 Improving Analytical Quality Through Quality Assurance Training, Proficiency Testing and Certification of Matrix Reference Materials Using Nuclear Analytical and Related Techniques in the Latin American Nuclear Analytical Technique Network (ARCAL XCVII) 2C
RLA/3/005 Strengthening the Radioactive Waste Management Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean Countries 3H
RLA/3/006 Regional Upgrading of Uranium Exploration, Exploitation and Yellowcake Production Techniques taking Environmental Problems into Account 0E, 3B
RLA/3/009 Strengthening the Radioactive Waste Management Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean Countries 3H
RLA/3/010 Regional Upgrading of Uranium Exploration, Exploitation and Yellowcake Production Techniques Taking Environmental Problems into Account 3B
RLA/4/022 Updating Knowledge, Introducing New Techniques and Improving the Quality of Nuclear Instrumentation Activities (ARCAL XCIX) 4G
RLA/5/051 Using Environmental Radionuclides as Indicators of Land Degradation in Latin American, Caribbean and Antarctic Ecosystems (ARCAL C) 5B
RLA/5/052 Improving Soil Fertility and Crop Management for Sustainable Food Security and Enhanced Income of Resource-Poor Farmers (ARCAL CI) 5B
RLA/5/053 Implementing a Diagnosis System to Assess the Impact of Pesticide Contamination in Food and Environmental Compartments at a Catchment Scale in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region (ARCAL CII) 5B, 5G
RLA/5/054 Ensuring Seafood Safety in Latin America and the Caribbean Through a Regional Programme for the Biomonitoring of Contaminants in Molluscs and Fish (ARCAL CIII) 5G
RLA/5/055 Establishing a South American Regional Network of National and Reference Laboratories for Pharmacologically Active Substances and Contaminants in Food of Animal Origin Through Implementation of Approved Nuclear & Conventional Analytical Techniques (ARCAL CIV) 5G
RLA/5/056 Improving Food Crops in Latin America Through Induced Mutation (ARCAL CV) 5C
RLA/6/055 Use of Molecular and Radioisotope Techniques to Strengthen the Malaria Surveillance and Control Programme 6B
RLA/6/058 Improvement of Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy in the Latin America Region (ARCAL XC) 6C
RLA/6/059 Implementation and Evaluation of Intervention Programmes to Prevent and Control Childhood Obesity in Latin America (ARCAL XCI) 6K
RLA/6/061 Training and Updating Knowledge in Medical Physics (ARCAL CVII) 6F
RLA/6/062 Consolidating Tissue Banks in Latin America and Radiation Sterilization of Tissue Allografts (ARCAL CVIII) 6M
RLA/6/064 Using Nuclear Techniques to Address the Double Burden of Malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL CX) 6K
RLA/6/065 Strengthening Quality Assurance in Nuclear Medicine (ARCAL CXI) 6B
RLA/6/068 Improving Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy in the Latin America Region (ARCAL CXIV) 6C
RLA/7/012 Use of Nuclear Techniques to Address the Management Problems of Coastal Zones in the Caribbean Region 7F, 7K, 7L, 7M, 7N
RLA/7/014 Designing and Implementing Systems for Early Warning and Evaluation of the Toxicity of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean Region, Applying Advanced Nuclear Techniques, Radioecotoxicological Evaluations and Bioassays (ARCAL CXVI) 7K
RLA/8/042 Application of Nuclear Technology for the Optimization of Industrial Processes and for Environmental Protection (ARCAL XCIII) 8J
RLA/8/044 Establishing Regional Harmonization in the Qualification and Certification of Personnel and in the Infrastructure Used in the Non-Destructive Testing of Systems, Structures and Components (ARCAL CXVII) 8P
RLA/8/046 Establishing Quality Control for the Industrial Irradiation Process (ARCAL CXVIII) 8H
RLA/9/053 Strengthening National Regulatory Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation Sources (TSA1) 9C, 9T
RLA/9/054 Strengthening National Systems for Preparedness and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies (TSA5) 9L
RLA/9/055 Strengthening the National Infrastructure and Regulatory Framework for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste in Latin American Member States (TSA4) 9C
RLA/9/056 Strengthening and Updating Technical Capabilities for the Protection of Health and Safety of Workers Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation (TSA2) 9I
RLA/9/057 Radiological Protection of Patients and in Medical Exposures (TSA3) 9J
RLA/9/058 Education and Training in Support of Radiation Protection Infrastructure 9X
RLA/9/059 Awareness raising and Training for Nuclear Security 9T, 9U, 9V, 9W
RLA/9/061 Strengthening National Systems for Preparedness and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies (TSA5) 9L
RLA/9/062 Strengthening the National Infrastructure and Regulatory Framework for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste in Latin American Member States (TSA4) 9C
RLA/9/063 Developing Human Resources in Nuclear Security 9T, 9U, 9V, 9W
RLA/9/064 Strengthening National Regulatory Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation Sources (TSA1) 9C, 9T
RLA/9/065 Supporting Radiation Protection Infrastructure Through Education and Training 9X
RLA/9/066 Strengthening and Updating Technical Capabilities for the Protection of Health and Safety of Workers Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation (TSA2) 9I
RLA/9/067 Ensuring Radiological Protection of Patients and During Medical Exposures (TSA3) 9J

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